I did a complete clean of cages today, and decided to get a couple pictures while I was disturbing everyone.
I was hoping that both Monte and Trogdor (Monte's dad) would be fired up together, but alas, only Trogdor was fully fired, Monte was not quite there.
I seem to have a hard time capturing the reds in these guys. If I use the flash, then it washes them out, if I don't, then I either get blurry pics because the shutter speed has to be so slow, or you can't see them because it's too dark. Natural light is the best, but it was too cold out to go outside with them today!
It sure was a challenge to get these guys to sit still for long, and in the same vicinity, but eventually Monte settled on Trogdor's head!
This next one isn't the greates pic, but it gives a side by side for reference. Trogdor weighs about 38g, and Monte was 21.5g last I checked.
Here is one that sort of shows off the red these guys has, unfortunately it's really blurry, and my battery died before I could get a better one.
Here's a last one to show the bicolor that I really like. It looked next to black to me in person, but the camera doesn't pic it up.
Lastly, here's one of the siblings to Monte that's a month younger and is just starting to show the red, about 3.25 months right now. This one weighed 15.5g at photo time a couple days ago. My guess is that it will be a 'he', but I've been wrong before. He will probably go up for sale in a while, once I'm positive on the sex. The little fella will be sold no matter what sex, but I thought I would just help out the buyer by making sure of the sex before sale. With few babies around, I can afford the space and crickets!
I hope you enjoy, just thought I would share, as there hasn't been much activity on this board as of late!