if you have syrian hamsters, SEPERATE NOW, they WILL kill each other. Syrians are more prone to wet tail than dwarves.
However dwarves are less handable, and are VERY prone to diabetes.
Take the tank back and get a rubbermaid
lol. Seriously, I have my girl (a black syrian) in a 90qt sterilite with holes drilled high up, and in the lid for ventilation. It is actually one of the best, as you can customize (if you need to fill in a drilled hole use aquaurium(sp?) sealent wiped smooth.)
Yes, hamsters run about 8 miles a night, have some vasiline, cooking oil, or other "lubricant" type things on hand, as it WILL start to squeek (unless you get a wodent wheel,
golden hamster, teddy bear hamster, long haired, black bear, panda bear, they are all the same thing, diffrent colored syrian hamsters.
no barred cages as if they chew on it, it can cause misaligned teeth and brain damage.
if you want to breed be very careful, as if you handle the pups, the mother will destroy them. You can't clean the cage for 2 wks after they are born, and can't handle them for that amount of time either (unless the mother REALLY trusts you).
The diet I have for my hamster is the same as my rats (I swear I said that somewhere else in my reply I just can't find it now)
dog food (holistic kind)
puffed wheat
puffed rice
shredded wheat
mueslix (all natural cereal)
wacky max spiral veggie pasta
And she gets a yoggie (yogurt drop) every othre night or so.
If the shavings you have are pine, get rid of them, they aren't good for animals (phenols cause RI), I use aspen shavings, there are also carefresh, and other good litters/bedding to have.
Do NOT give them any kind of material to nest in (not even that crap from the pet store) as it CAN get stuck in their cheeck pouch, which would require a trip to an exotics vet (which may or may not know anything about hamsters). If you want to give her something to nest in give her some toilet paper, paper towel, or shredded paper (or all 3).
www.hamsterific.com is a place I go to for my info....
I don't think i've forgotten anything. lol
Habitrails are very bad for syrians as syrians need floor space to move around in, especially those "bubble" tube things, syrians get so big they get stuck in there!