LOL well I watched them very close for about 3 hours and they got along good, each one has picked its "burrow" now, so I'm not worried.
I got my Tigers as rescued amphibians, so I have no idea how you would get them. My larger 11" Tiger (Laguna) I got from a friend who found him on a construction site with a broken leg and was all dried out and about to die. The smaller 8" Tiger (Lily) I got from a girl at an aquarium shop that had a lady give it to her when all the floods happened in Edmonton. The lady fouind it in her basement and brought it to the shop. The girl just didn't want it anymore so I took it. Got the Faunarium for free that Lily was in, so I have put it with my other Faunarium for free as a bonus. As you can see by the link I am providing below, they are both very healthy now.
If you can't find my Tigers Samurai, here's the link:
As you can see they are both absolute pigs LOL I've slowed their food supply a little for this time of the year.
I've started working on my lagoon for the new tank. I'm using styrofoam and cutting it to shape, then coated it with aquarium silicone and then poured some exo-terra sand on it and dumped off excess. Looks like it should work, but I have to wait at least 2 or 3 days for the top layer to dry and then I can test it and see if it will be water proof. Then I have to coat each side and bottom with the silicon to seal the entire foam off. I made a hole for the fogger I bought too, so I can't wait to get it all finished and give it a try. I bought a few long grass-like silk plants for the tank also. Now if they would get on building my tank I would be fine LOL