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Old 11-26-04, 04:52 PM   #16
Join Date: Sep-2004
Location: etobicoke
Age: 63
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Wear a t-shirt all day. Get it nice and sweaty. Put it in the enclosure. I doubt that it will eat your t-shirt, but it will get used to your scent. He won't associate your scent with feeding if he smells it all day. If you've got bad B.O. then expect to be bitten hard.LOL. Paul.
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Old 11-26-04, 05:30 PM   #17
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Some Rosy Boas are quite fond of this slow and deliberate attempt to eat people. I honestly don't think there is much you can do except deal with it. I mean you can't -make- them change, right? I don't handle my one girl, and whenever I have to, I just don't take my eyes off her, and give her a flick everytime I see her zeroing in on me (lol which is anywhere from every 10-30 seconds)
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Old 11-29-04, 04:33 PM   #18
Join Date: Oct-2004
Location: Vancouver , BC
Posts: 17
Well if he is only a year old he may grow out if it. When snakes are young they tend to be more nippy then adults , with handling and time he may very well just figure it out .
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Old 11-30-04, 10:38 AM   #19
Join Date: Jul-2003
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Yeah, younger snakes tend to be nippier, but this is not the description of a nippy snake. This is a feeding behavior short and simple. I've seen it a lot in cal kings, but never quite this strong in a corn. With our cal king, we did two things. One was not letting it bite when we could see it coming. Reposition the snake if you see it about to feed on you. The second was forcing the snake to release when it latched on. We used warm (not hot) running water on the head, and she let go almost immediately. We still cant handle her for more than a minute or two when she is hungry, but she no longer tries to eat us when she shouldn't be hungry. I have no idea if she was conditioned by our counter-measures or if she simply grew out of it.

I have worked with an albino cal-king that never grew out of it. He tried to eat pretty much everyone who ever handled him. Nobody handles him except when necessary anymore, and when they do, they use caution. Sure it's only a cal-king, but it's a royal pain to put up with.

1 adult bull snake: "Dozer"; 1.1 juvenile bull snakes: Oscar and Phoebe; 3 baby red-sided garters; 1.1 macklot's pythons
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