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Old 11-08-04, 08:59 AM   #16
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im going to waiting until i see some kind of "scabbing" etc going to only offer pinkie mice to her and watch everyone else carefully.

it was an honest mistake. thankyou everyone for the support.
"trust in me, just trust in me.....close your eyes... and trust in me... " Ka- The JungleBook
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Old 11-08-04, 11:27 AM   #17
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Sounds like a plan
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Old 11-08-04, 02:50 PM   #18
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Old 11-08-04, 04:44 PM   #19
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Pinkie mice might not even be seen as a food source for the snake and if it DOES take the pinkie, it will almost BURN more calories eating the thing than it can GAIN from it! LOL

Try stunned or restrained hopper/adult mice in a few weeks. Just worry about keeping the snake clean, warm and dry for now. Treat the wounds and go from there. Missing a few meals is almost a non-issue.

When I feed live, I don't stand there and watch. I close the enclosure and stay close by to listen for the unmistakable squeaks to come during constriction. When I hear that, I check to make sure the snake is not being chewed on (or possibly can be). If it is, I have a pair of hemostats (medical pliers more or less) ready to intervene. The odd time that happens, I usually only need to squeeze the rodent's neck for a bit or possible try to break its neck. This usually happens when the snake fails to get the rodents mouth in it's mouth and catches it mid-body. If I don’t hear any squeaks for 5 or 10 minutes (depends on the particular snake), I take out the rodent and that’s that.

That's what I do with live feeders and it has worked for me. Though, I don't feed many live meals...
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Old 11-08-04, 11:32 PM   #20
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thats what i usally go by is the thump ( strike) and then the surprised squeak......usually when i feed it kinds sounds like a sort of grotesque dominoes.......thump squeak........thump squeak......thump squeak.......

( heh, like a watched pot doesnt boil.... a watched hatchling....etc)

<shakes head> i checked on her this morning to she if she was alive......she was/is. i feel like sucha bad mommy.
"trust in me, just trust in me.....close your eyes... and trust in me... " Ka- The JungleBook
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Old 11-08-04, 11:48 PM   #21
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wounder how some of the new "no sting" liquid bandage applications would be, it may be worth asking your vet, i help with sports injusies for a local football team and i use it al the time and wokrs great, i would be interested to see what your vet thinks, it can be bought in aresol and brush on, brush on would be better do to fumes,, but please please ask your vets thoughts, just a suggestion
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Old 11-09-04, 01:09 AM   #22
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And a watched Pop-Tart never catches on fire...

How are the wounds looking raebug? Are there signs of healing, scabbing, etc?

Are those liquid bandages healing or antibiotic in anyway?
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Old 11-09-04, 08:29 PM   #23
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man i cant tell really. i wish i had a camera so i could post pics.
it looks dry.....there is no swelling ( no signs of infection) she has feeling around her boo-boos though which is good. it's going to be awhile...these wounds are deep. it's going to be more than a few sheds on this.

ive been checking her when i get up and when i go to work ......the vet said the liquid nadages would be fine if it werent for the deepness of the wound. he said superficial stuff? go for it... it will come off in a shed. but she has a signifcant space where she was "eaten"? significantly gnawed apon.....the other 2 places just look like nasty rat bites.
no signs of scabbing yet.
but you know my other girls and pastel male who is shedding ( shed= grow ...grow baby grow) are little piggies and fat. gotta look on the bright side i suppose.
"trust in me, just trust in me.....close your eyes... and trust in me... " Ka- The JungleBook
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