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Old 10-23-02, 03:17 PM   #16
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those are some cool pics of a huge snake looks kinda docile
Neo-Slither (Snake fanatic mailing list) http://<br />

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Old 11-17-02, 06:07 PM   #17
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oh oh oh, i have a great pic for u guys ( all i need to do is scan it and work out how to post it here) it's of the 2nd longest snake kept in captivity, it was kept at knaresborough zoo in the uk back in the 60's and was called cassius. i got a great pic of his keeper, nick nyoka suporting her massive head (and i mean massive!)
i'll do my best to get it on by the end of the week, although it might be easier if i email it to u, so email me@
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Old 11-18-02, 11:15 PM   #18
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I believe Fluffy is the largest retic right now,She like 12 years old,310 lbs and over 22 feet long.And she is also super huge. She is in the pic wrapped around boyd Matson. Also I can't wait to get my first retic.Large boids are amoung my favs. I can't wait to see if Bob Clark is going to prove that black reitc gene.
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Old 12-01-02, 09:26 AM   #19
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I can't wait until mine get that big
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Old 12-08-02, 11:42 PM   #20
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Question: if I have a snake from when it was a baby, and when it *grows up*, do they tend to keep the same demeenor when they are older if they are/were treated well and are/were well cared for? I guess what I'm asking is that when snakes get older and larger, do they all of a sudden think "hey, I can eat your *** now", and get a *big guy* complex? Or do they keep the same personality as they grow? I have a burm who is the sweetest thing, but right now she is only 2 feet long. Say she grows an additional 10 feet, will she still be a sweetie (assuming I will still be taking good care of her and loving her the same)?

Just curious. Let me know.
I just found homes for my 4 snake ladies: ball python, colombian boa, hogg isle boa, and a burmese. *sniff* How I miss them so...

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Old 12-09-02, 06:10 AM   #21
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as far as Im concerned, I do beleive she will stay a lovely burm.. but she could have a bad day and she doesnt want to be disturbed or something. and if she were a male, on breeding season he could be more aggressive.
If she will grow big enough to eat you, just make sure that you feed her properly.. lol and do not take her out alone..
We can NEVER know what will happen.

I hope this helped..
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Old 12-09-02, 06:59 PM   #22
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WOW! Thats NUUUTTTTSSSSSS...... I've seen these kinda Pics all the time, But they still amaze me... Awsome!!
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Old 12-19-02, 02:10 AM   #23
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The thing to remember about these giant snakes (any snake for that matter) is that they are not really tame. They are simply accustomed (sp?) to being handled and do not feel threatened at the moment. As much as we all love snakes, we have to keep this in mind.

I have burms and retics, and I am getting more retics in the VERY near future, and I have a standing rule in my house. There is always someone else there with me when large snakes are handled.

I would also like to say this...If you keep a large snake well fed, and properly cared for, it should never look at you as a food source. They will not expell that kind of energy needed to kill and eat you if they are not starving. But, if you smell like food, and you get within reach (just got done cleaning out the rabbit hutches, don't wash up and change clothes, then go get out 'Ol Mr. Retic..) then you might just see that "tame, docile, loving giant snake" in a whole new light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, this post sure got long quick....How did that happen??

By the way, I do LOVE giant snakes!!!!

Jason Brennan
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Old 12-19-02, 10:13 AM   #24
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the simplest answer to 'will my snake be calm/docile/sweet?' is own a hot, no matter how much or over how many years you handle a snake it will always be a wild animal and potentially dangerous.
Old 12-19-02, 10:24 AM   #25
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They are gorgeous animals, but I must say I'm holding out for a super dwarf
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Old 12-19-02, 02:54 PM   #26
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that pic that looks like the retic is eating the guys arm, well it isn''t he is just holding it up, there is another site with the same pic at another angle i will try to find it again and post the link in this thread

i have 2 burms right now my self and they are both the sweetest (temperment)snakes i have ....i also have a beutiful red blood python for sale he is absolutly georgus , check out the for sale adds .
there is no pic but i can send you one if your intersted


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Old 01-01-03, 09:38 PM   #27
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I think that even though it's more intiadateing for you that at that size the snake probably feels very safe and I really doubt there it much you can to make it feel as you were gonna harm it. really if you smell like food then that would be probley one of the only resons you got bit or...ahem.. killed..
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