Well I want to rebuild a new "rack". The one I built just isn’t what I wanted. Don’t get me wrong, it does the job, but it’s only a 4 drawer Rubbermaid holder with a big long Rubbermaid for the boa when he’s an adult.
What I want to do is create just permanent enclosures in sections. To explain, I have a cabinet that measures 5.5 feet long and 2 feet deep/wide. Height isn’t an issue.
What I was thinking was to create a massive wall unit basically and section it off into about 6 or 8 tanks. It could measure 6x2x?I would have 4 sections at the bottom that would measure 3x2 and then on top of that I would want an area to house the 3 corns and the jcp. So I could make 3 Rubbermaid bins for the corns and a section for the jcp and crested gecko.
I drew up a sketch on Photoshop of basically what I want.
What I need to know is first would this even work, and second is 3x2 enough for a full grown SINGLE bci?
Thanks. More questions on this will arise but I can’t think of anything else right now