Here is the up to date vendor list.
64 Vendors and 144 tables confirmed so far
Wild Kingdom
Riverfront Aquariums
J&M Rabbit Farms
Canden Farms
Gecko Corral - Diana Daoust
Gone Buggy
Jarod Brown
Darwins Oasis
Davivad Exotics
James Powell - Gollums Geckos
Falconridge Farms
Hunter Reptiles - Jason Hunter
Arctic Circle - Neil Tyreman
Parvus Draco - Greg Twedt
Pazuzus Prefrance - Chris Richardson
Tanks a Lot
Krickets un ltd
Trina Karr - Lizard Woman
Jamie McKinstrie
Debbie & Lindsay Education
Dennis Epp
Wrapped up in Reptiles - Annette Thompson
Dan Uremovic - Canadian Captive Bred
Mice and Things - Walter Pacholko
Calgary Avian pet clinic
Cricket Capers
Matt Anderson
Gone Snakee - Mark Isbell
Kyle Kunimoto - Kunimoto ReptilesLowell says:
Aaron Thrasher
Greg West - Cornel's World Terrariums
Insectopia - Perry
DNA Reptiles - David and Andrea Smith
Mountain Geckos - beth Wallbank
Karel Bergmann
Tyrone Smith - Hells Eye
NorthWest Dragon Ranch
Greyhound Pets
Chris Bilou
Henry Piorun
Dare to Dream Dragons
Gary Dawson
Matt Henwood
Ken LePage - Invictus Exotics
Hagen - Exo-Terra
Lorna Levett
Jay VanAchte
Sierra Dragons
Reptile Crossing
Gord Redman
Capital Dragons - Tim Daly
Red Line Exotics
Mountain Peaks Finest
Roger Neilson
Lady Dragon's Dragons
Richard Welter
Brad McDonald
Tim and Julie Banhigen
Mastiff Society of Canada
Zill Tanks
Shawn Koots
Reptile World
144 Tables Booked so far with less than a month to go. If you don't see your name on the list, please e-mail me at
Greg West
TARAS President