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Old 08-13-04, 02:42 PM   #16
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I will take pictures tonight when I get home, I will get close ups, they are relatively similar, but I am not a good one to ask honestly, this is my boyfriends area, so I will ask him. I know it doesn't sound true, but I wouldn't waste my time.... He's the snake guy, there are now about 14 in our house...
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Old 08-13-04, 02:45 PM   #17
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Before you are going to have a leg to stand on while making this claim you are going to need much, much better pics including individual pics of the parents as well as copulation pics, ovulation pics and birth pics. However, since I belive that is simple not possible given that boas and pythons are two different species I doubt we'll see any of those pics. At this point as a mod I'm treating this thread as being posted by a troll.
Here's hoping you prove me wrong,
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Old 08-13-04, 02:47 PM   #18
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I really don't care if you believe me, I will post the pictures either tonight or tomorrow if I can, but definitely this weekend, you can believe whatever you want, I just want to figure out how to care for the snakes. I know this sounds crazy, but the two snakes are the only ones that have been around each other... You can do whatever you like.

If there is someone who knows where I could call (a herpatologist, zoo, anything) to try to help care for these things, please let me know!
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Old 08-13-04, 02:51 PM   #19
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I actually I stopped reading your post after the first sentence, I obviously don't have copulation or ovulation pictures since these are already born, and we were not expecting them to do this and we didn't find the eggs until about a week after they were laid... sorry.
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Old 08-13-04, 02:56 PM   #20
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What types of snakes are they and which is the male and which is the female?
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Old 08-13-04, 02:58 PM   #21
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It's a Columbian Boa (Male), and an Albino Burmese Python (Female), I didn't mean to be rude, but no one is believing us and it is frustrating, I am sorry (we do know it is crazy, but it is true).... I am going there in a couple hours and will get back on and post the pictures of the "father"
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Old 08-13-04, 03:04 PM   #22
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The reason no one believes you is because it is an outlandish claim with no proof to back it up while there IS tons of proof to prove your claim impossible. I personally doubt it's true. Why would the babies be albino? Unless your boa is a het albino, which I STRONGLY doubt given that you've had it for 9 years.

Interesting? Yes.
Bizarre? Yes.
True? I doubt it.
Possible? I doubt it.
Wrong? I personally think it is.

I’ll be waiting to see the pics/proof though…
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Old 08-13-04, 03:05 PM   #23
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Posts: 433 didn't post those pics correctly. Try again please. When I click one of the links you pasted, I get a Forbidden message. I am skeptical, but I won't say that your full of sh*t yet. However, when making this sort of claim, you need to provide cold hard proof, because honestly I don't see how a boa can breed w/ a python, yes they are both snakes, but there are alot of factors that are against it happening.
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Old 08-13-04, 03:07 PM   #24
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How did you incubate the eggs and at what temp?
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Old 08-13-04, 03:09 PM   #25
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The Boa is not albino, and I wouldn't believe it either. But my basic thing is, it is true, and I am trying to find a herpatologist or someone who would want to research this, or know what to do with these baby snakes since it is "impossible" but happened. Any tips on how to find someone? I have no idea why the babies are albino, I guess that is part of the wierdness of the entire situation. Unless a python snuck into our house, into the cage, mated with the female and left, or if the python is asexual (which they are not) then they are the Boa's babies. This actually could be one of the few instances of this happening and I can't get help to have this documented in any way or studied I am very sorry you don't believe me and I guess I can't expect you to.

If anyone knows anyone I can call please let me know!

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Old 08-13-04, 03:11 PM   #26
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DJ3674 - I tried to post the pictures, but I think you have to sign up for that thing to see them, if you want I can email them to you.
I realize this is crazy, but the only way to prove it at this point is science, and we have the ones still that didn't make it.

We let her incubate them, put pete moss on the eggs and sprayed them with water constantly
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Old 08-13-04, 03:11 PM   #27
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well im a bit skeptical myself...however, looking over those pictures in the album are putting some questions in my head, basically how in the hell do you get a clutch that looks so deformed, colour patterns extremely bizzare, unless somthing really freaky happened not saying this is all true...and i for one know nothing about deformities in snakes, i was under the impression that to get pretty much a whole clutch of deformed babies like these, there would need to be some SERIOUS inbreeding going on...but that alone still doesnt account for the really messed up patterns on some of those...but hey I'm game and willing to learn more here about whats going on

keep us updated (hopefully with better pics!!)

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Old 08-13-04, 03:16 PM   #28
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That pic looks modified...
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Old 08-13-04, 03:21 PM   #29
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What do you think a herpetologist can do for you? As far as how to take care of the babies what is it you need to know? Freeze anything suffering and set the rest up like you would any other litter/clutch of babies. However, the fact that you are keeping a burm and a boa together revels your ignorance of snake husbandry and I don't expect you know how to set up babies do you?
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Old 08-13-04, 03:26 PM   #30
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Call a local university they may be intrested or my be able to point you to an institution that would be capable and intrested in doing some genetic testing. I a rank amature but they all look like burms to me.

how in the hell do you get a clutch that looks so deformed, colour patterns extremely bizzare
Improper incubation would be my guess.

I'ld be intrested to find out if they were all female. That may suggest an "imaculate conception" of sorts. I think I read of a few unconfirmed reports of female snakes laying fertile eggs with out a mate.

Last edited by Derrick; 08-13-04 at 03:32 PM..
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