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View Poll Results: What name should i give this little one???
Storm 9 60.00%
Deathstrike 2 13.33%
Beast 3 20.00%
Other- Give suggestions 1 6.67%
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Old 05-27-04, 01:20 PM   #16
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I'm not going to turn this into an obnoxious argument, so this will be my only post on this.

Originally posted by little_dragon_
Who are you to speak to me like that

Who am I? I'm the guy that produced the gecko that you "didn't see what all the fuss was about." Jamie must be a nicer person than I, because if I were her, I would've told you to bite me.

Originally posted by little_dragon_
are you the gecko king?
Absolutely not. I'm a Carpet and Green Tree Python guy. In fact, Cresteds and Gargoyles are the only geckos I've even bred. I really don't know much about geckos in general, but I do feel that I have some knowledge of Cresteds...knowledge that I've shared with you on numerous occasions.

Originally posted by little_dragon_
Why are you jumping down my throat has anything I ever posted on here sounded stupid?
I'm "jumping down your throat" because you're rude and you knew exactly what you were trying to say. I didn't say that anything you've posted has been stupid, other than the comment in question. In fact, I think I've been pretty helpful to you specifically...especially considering what a pompous *** I am.

The little one that I sold Jamie is actually one of the nicest baby Tigers I've ever seen, so yes, that sounded stupid. If you knew anything about them, you'd have noticed the nice pattern and you'd know that even brightest orange and red Cresteds start off tan.

Originally posted by little_dragon_
The vibe I get from you is that you're a very pompous person, especially when it comes to your geckos.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Anyone who's ever met me knows that this is entirely not true. I do, however, take great pride in my Cresteds because I've put a lot of time and finances into acquiring and producing the nicest ones I can. That said, when someone wants to insult them (and you're the first), it doesn't flow well with me.

That said, I'm not afraid of losing "popularity points" by calling someone on it when they act like an a-hole.

I don't insult anyone's animals (nomatter what they look like and no matter how much they want to brag on them) and I don't take it lightly when someone insults mine.

On another note, that probably explains why you felt the need to be a jerk to Jamie, when all she was doing was sharing her excitement about her new gecko. If you had a problem with me, you should email me, not act like an *** to the first person you see on here that gets a gecko from me.

Originally posted by little_dragon_
oh and by the way all crested geckos are normal. They're poly morphic..they haven't been genetically mutated like leopard geckos for their patterns they come natural
If you feel that's true, then why did you feel the need to tell Jamie that her gecko "looks like a normal crestie?" That would be like going out of your way to tell someone that they have black tires on their car.

It doesn't matter, though, because you're wrong. Due to selective breeding, traits (colors, patterns, body structure, etc.) have been exagerated. They don't come in bright orange and red or with pinstripes out of the wild.


OK...I'm done with this. Post what you like, but you'll get no more replies from me.

Anthony Caponetto

Last edited by AnthonyC; 05-27-04 at 06:09 PM..
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Old 05-27-04, 02:49 PM   #17
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I didn't know it was your first crested gecko, and for that I'm sorry
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Old 05-27-04, 03:05 PM   #18
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Oh dear...

Well, first, thats a really nice looking pattern and colour on that gecko. Its a fantastic colour to have as your first

Anthony has some of the nicest looking crested geckos I've ever seen, and I love looking at his pictures...

Second, good choice on the name Naming is so hard...I named my hatchlings Spot and Not...ones got spots and one...doesn't So much for creativity!

Enjoy your little guy
Heather Rose
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Old 05-27-04, 03:43 PM   #19
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I know anthony has stunning cresties, it's all good
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Old 05-27-04, 05:24 PM   #20
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Anthony i took the "fuss" thing the same way you did, but i made 2 "meanish" post a few days before and i was in too GREAT (because of the crestie) of a mood to even try and be mean. I know it's not a "normal" crestie, it's special cause it's all MINE lol, i personally know that the colors will change into a very stunning pattern (because i seen the pics of the parents and can i say wow). Don't worry cause i can tell you this I WILL be back for more because of the quality of animals and the great customer service, and damn you for contributing to my addiction (just with a different species) LOL.

Oh and keep a look out because in the next few weeks i plan on e-mailing you about the possible purchase of another baby LOL.

Little dragon, no hard feelings.

PuNkuPoNAsTAR, Thanks and those are some cute name you have there also. I did the same thing to one of my snakes that i hatched last year. It was born with kinks in it's spine so i named it Kink. LOL origanality for you, i'm still looking to give it a "proper" marvel name but none has came to me so far.

I'm still so very excited about my new purchase, i look over at the kritter keeper and smile everytime. Well i'm off to go check on my collection and to feed and mist Shiva, anyone wanna come over and take out the dead bodies from my mealie bins. LOL

1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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Old 05-27-04, 07:12 PM   #21
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whatever....nice crestie!
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Old 05-27-04, 11:18 PM   #22
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i would have went with gambit...
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Old 05-30-04, 10:50 AM   #23
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2 words The Punisher he was my all time favorite marvel charectar since I was 12
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