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Old 04-17-04, 11:47 AM   #16
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One of the towns near London (Chatham I think) was having a crow problem. So a bounty was put up. All the crows move to London, about 100,000 of them.
When I lived on Proudfoot Lane, I'd walk through the wooded trail to take a shortcut to Wonderland Road. There was literally a crow on every branch, and they were totally silent. It was like that every day. I'd always start thinking about Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" That would have been bloody.
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Old 04-17-04, 12:10 PM   #17
Wuntu Menny
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Here's a little morsel:

One of the traits used to guage intelligence in animals is their ability/willingness to engage in playful activity.

A number of years ago, a photog from National Geo managed to capture a sequence of a group of ravens repeatedly climbing a short slope on a snow covered mountain. Once they reached the top, they would flip over on their backs and slide upside down and backward down the snowy incline only to walk back up and do it again!

I love ravens, even their belching call is music to my ears!

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Old 04-17-04, 02:19 PM   #18
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I love ravens, even their belching call is music to my ears!
Second that. All reminds me of a Bathory song "The Ravens".

Manville, I haven't been back for about 4yrs now. I can only imagine what it must be like now. Hope there are still some nice "wild" spots for the herps to hang out at, asides from Mandai Zoo.
The Herp Room

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Old 04-18-04, 12:18 PM   #19
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I have just been to the zoo, night safari, underwater world, dolphin show, bird park, and the reptile park.
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Old 04-18-04, 12:34 PM   #20
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I've raised a crow and blue jay that I found injured. The crow seemed much more intelligent or at least more willing to accept human company.
It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care.
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Old 04-18-04, 02:56 PM   #21
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A gathering of Raven's is also referred to as an "Unkindness"

How cool is that?

My parents in Winnipeg have a couple acres just outside of town. The Magpies and Crows so cool to watch. They outsmart the cats and squirrels NP.

The only issue with keeping a crow / raven as a pet would be the mess they would make. Seed eating birds = small craps. Scrap / fruit eating = projectile evacuating of the lower intestine.

Bill T
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Old 04-18-04, 03:04 PM   #22
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WRX it can't be any worse than keeping a large Colubrid. You should see the "piles" left by adult Blue Beauties or Eastern Indigos, yum yum LOL Mark
Mark's GONE SNAKEE! working with select Colubrids (Corns, GB Kings, EIs) and Woma Pythons
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Old 04-18-04, 05:52 PM   #23
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hahaha..Same diff my friend

I had a Taiwan Beauty that was a little, shall we say, messy!

..But @ school in FL, I kept a 6ft Eastern Indigo which I released after a few months. He was the smartest, coolest snake I have ever kept, but boy, could he ever spread his fecal love around the tank!!!!

Great snakes though!

Bill T
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