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Old 12-03-03, 03:21 PM   #16
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Hello again. Well mykee, I can tell you, the pet store is sure making it a big deal about getting ratts. I know they are best for her, but I might have to find a substitute. As fas as the tempreature goes, i have moved the thermometer closer to the ground where the heat is being generated to et a more acurate reading on the warm spot. It if it is still to low I will get a lamp to bring up the temp. As far as the towel goes I do wash it once a week, but I agree that removal would be best. Big Mike, I am up north, 4hrs north of Edmonton. I do make trips their regularly, I will try to look one up. The food, yes is not live. Much safer for the snake that way I hear. Thanks yet again for all you inof and resources folks. I have much morereading to do, and it is time for another trip to the pet store, to argue about the Ratt issue. Oh, I have read that with ratts as a diet, once a week is ok, so if I do mng to get ratts, is that acceptable?

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Old 12-03-03, 03:33 PM   #17
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once a week feeding is a good plan to stick to, as long as the rat or mouse is an appropriate size.
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Old 12-03-03, 07:59 PM   #18
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Joseph, dead rats should not be a problem to get at any pet store, but if you're having a problem, look around for a rat breeder in your area, there are plenty out west. The rats will be much cheaper, and most probably a better quality. With regards to getting a heat lamp to up the heat, don't. Belly heat is just that; heat from under the tank for the belly of the snake. Heat lamps provide heat from above and are not to be used as the primary heat source for a BP. Good luck and keep us posted.
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Old 12-03-03, 10:53 PM   #19
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Old 12-04-03, 04:24 PM   #20
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dude..dead and frozen..just please don't keep them in see through bags....I had a friend go into my downstairs freezer and he nearly s%$# himself...what he was doing in there i still have no clue and cries everytime i bring it up lol
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