Maybe, but we have to wait till we move. We have to save money. And the rats here cost $4.29 usd without tax (tax is 7.3%) I feed every friday, and he can eat one every friday (sorry I know this isn't the snake section) we have 3 snakes,1 rabbit, 2 dogs and 1 feeding them isn't exactly cheap since they get the better quality dog/ cat food. My grandmother is a money hungry c*nt who "loans (never gets paid back)" money to everyone yet when we need help to get outta this stinkin place that won't hire me or my partner because of who we are, she won't help one least bit, not even gas money.............ok sorry I ranted! all better now.
The Mischief:
Neptune, Zion, Enigma,
Mischief~ Hamster