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Old 09-27-03, 11:39 PM   #16
Grant vg
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Geeze, im sorry for your loss, but c'mon, everybody calling her a bitch and talking about a law suit is way overboard in my opinion...
Unfortunately, snakes from her country and others kill ppl.
Ppl are brought up to be afraid of them, and they have every right.
Unfortunately she killed it, But its best to let things go and learn from it.
A law suit is the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard Chondro, shes most likely not the wealthiest of person and if suing her would make you feel better , you got
Plus, if you can afford a housecleaner , you surely can afford a new bp and some better locking enclosures....

just my opinion anyways...
Grant van Gameren
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Old 09-29-03, 09:35 PM   #17
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Grant, beautifully said.
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Old 09-30-03, 12:02 AM   #18
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never said i would sue her. but i did warn her, and osiris was just a year old......not some 15 foot burm or anaconda, regardless of what i can afford.
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Old 09-30-03, 01:28 AM   #19
Solid Snake
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grant this is north america, everyone deals their problems this way!

sorry for your loss, she should have ran away instead of killing it. yaknow, what a bitch, i'd be damn right pissed if someone killed my BP. Even though a warning was addressed she still killed it.
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Old 09-30-03, 06:07 AM   #20
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i'm so sorry to hear about your loss, it's a terribly tragic thing to have happen to you, my deepest sympathies
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Old 10-01-03, 12:34 AM   #21
Grant vg
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Reabug, believe me. i am on your side. And acknowledge the fact that you have lost a special animal. But no way would i consider the ridulous idea of a lawsuit, or hold her entirely accountable.

A yr old ball python might not be a 15 foot anaconda to you, but believe me, its a 20 foot retic to her.
Imagine growing up in a country where those little snakes that resemble a yearling ball python pop out on your daily routines like walking the dog and going to the convenience store. and can take your life!

Id be pretty damn scared too!

Heres an idea. assuming you have another snake or two.
try your best to get her to hold one. explain to her they dont bite and are not venemous.
Take a picture of her holding one and get it developed. Surprise her with it, in a frame.
You might not change her views COMPLETELY. and it definately will not bring back your snake.

However, you'll make a much bigger impact on her, then say firing her or a lawsuit.

Just seems like a more positive solution to the situation. its good Karma. Give it a try.

(feelin really sensitive today )
Grant van Gameren
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Old 10-01-03, 01:44 AM   #22
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I don't think sueing is the answer either. You've already fired her, so she's lost her income, as for the people that implied that they'd like to kill the maid, there's not much that can be said about you that's printable on this forum. A death of a pet out of fear should not beget more death out of hate.

As for the people that suggest suing her... Where is the maid going to get the money to pay for a lawyer nevermind pay for damages??? All you do with frivilous lawsuits like that is waste the tax payers time and money (some one has to pay for the judge ect).
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Old 10-01-03, 07:07 AM   #23
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Heres an idea. assuming you have another snake or two.
try your best to get her to hold one. explain to her they dont bite and are not venemous.
Take a picture of her holding one and get it developed. Surprise her with it, in a frame.
Thats good advice Grant.
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A good friend will come bail you out of jail.... but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying "Damn. We ****ed up!"
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Old 10-01-03, 02:40 PM   #24
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So sorry to hear about your loss

Lawuits are NOT the answer, folks. In a case like that, it wouldn't accomplish anything. Termination was sufficient. It doesn't do to let outselves forget that here those who fear or hate snakes are in the minority. In the big picture, it's all turned around.
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Old 10-02-03, 10:36 AM   #25
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Wow, I’m so sorry.

But I have to ask- was that the first time she ever cleaned your house? If not, didn’t she know you had it?

If I was the cleaning lady, and if I was scared of snakes, I don’t think I would have the courage to kill a snake, or any animal for that fact. I would have tried to shoosh it with the broom instead, or throw a bucket or something over it. Cleaning ladies should always be prepped with a bucket- it’s equivalent to Batman’s utility belt!

I don’t like tarantulas, but I know that if there is a huge one in my boss’ home on display, and then it’s on the floor sneaking around- I wouldn’t kill it. Plus there is (A) no wad of paper towel big enough for me to get close to squish a tarantula and (B) no wad of paper towel big enough to not feel the actual squish in the wad.

I’m really sorry you lost your snake.
I just found homes for my 4 snake ladies: ball python, colombian boa, hogg isle boa, and a burmese. *sniff* How I miss them so...

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Old 10-02-03, 01:13 PM   #26
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I am so sorry to hear about your loss, I have lost two baby royals myself and I know that it is horrible.

Keep your head up and I hope you feel better soon.

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Old 10-02-03, 10:35 PM   #27
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What a tragedy!! So hard to lose them even from natural causes, but from another ignorance must be so much harder!

Regardless of the customs and beliefs in her home country, she has made the decision to come to this country to work and live, therefore it is her responsibility to make an effort to learn and respect our way of life. Ignorance is no excuse. IMHO she should be held entirely accountable. "Plus, if you can afford a housecleaner , you surely can afford a new bp and some better locking enclosures...." Better locking enclosures, yes... but money shouldn't have anything to do with it. Snakes shouldn't be viewed as replacable commodities and whatnot, they are living breathing creatures, just as cats and dogs are. Many people come to view them as members of the family. I don't think chondro was implying the lawsuit to make up for costs, but for the morality of the situation..... much as people that sue over murder do not do so to replace costs of their lost person..... harming an animal, much less killing, is against the law. I know in Ontario you can get a life sentence now for animal abuse.
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