lol air plain phobia lol, when i hatched my first veiled egges, I was puttin all the hatchlings in there new homes I had some pet mesh that i wraped over the top and secure with elastic bands, i went and checked on how the others we doin, when i got to the container with the last one i put in which i had only one in there till the rest hatched i couldent find the little guy. but he was alone so hard to find then i noticed a small bend in the mesh on top where the mesh had slipped form the elastic, after a mild heart attack, i decided that the escapee would climb up if he could, sure enouf up i look and there is the little guy climbin the wire for the lights. If anyone hase ever had little hatchling it was a very scary moment, but funny, My friend has "exit" now funny name but hey at least there is a storie to it lol.