Well, I have been giving mine calcium in 3 forms. Liquid, powder and plain yogurt mixed into their fruit smoothies! I also tried to leave a small dish of the powder in their enclosures, but only the female has shown any interest. Otherwise the powder just goes on thier insects.
My male decided to play "escapee" for a couple of days. Found him lounging on the leg of my step ladder. Guess he thought he was blending well enough. I reached down, picked him up, and hey! no biting. I was prepared to be chomped on and gritted my teeth, but in the end I ended up with sore jaws and a content gecko
I am just now re-building new enclosures for the two. Both will be equipped with water basins deep enough that they can't drown. I am thinking of using coconut substrate, about 2 inches deep. Good for egg deposition and soft enough for them to land in should they fall. I would prefer live plants, but the fakies are much easier to maintain and clean. I plan to have some "suspended" humid hides and dry hides too, wall mounted at intervals of 1/3's of the cage height. Any other suggestions would be great.
Lowell- Sorry to hear about the female. Sometimes these things happen for no good reason. I have had countless recoveries go south on me after showing 100% improvement. Perhaps age has more to do with it in the end. It's much harder on the body to heal the older something is.
Take care everyone!
Julie B