monitor relocation project underway
The time has come to move the monitors from Scales Zoo commercial facility to the basement of our home. This will be a challenge, as we have a Savanna, Nile and Water monitor coming home to make room for the Sulaweti coming in from Steeve.
The savanna is a piece of cake to catch and move, he is an educational display and "pet" monitor that actually seems to like us. His cage, however is not going to be easy to move.
The Nile monitor will be more of a challenge, as he is skittish and far more athletic than myself. I hope to be able to get him into a hide box like I use for our nasty snakes. If not, he's all Ryan's!
The water monitor was easier to deal with when he was still a bit afraid of us. He's all Ryan's these days. I most often feed him, Ryan always does the cleaning, so I am food, Ryan is fresh water. Now, if a trap box does not work, we will need to capture him any way we can, avoiding injuries to ourselves and the monitor. I am thinking that putting food in the trap box will trick him, I may even try placing it in his cage to feed him in for a day or 2 before the actual move.
We will be posting some pictures as the cages come down