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Old 08-07-03, 01:44 PM   #16
red bootz
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More snake owners complaining about killing...What's the difference between feeding a rat, a cat, a dog, etc? In the end its dead, its protein, and its snake food. I like how some people feel that some animals are entitled to live while others are just meant to die.
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Old 08-07-03, 01:50 PM   #17
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Well saidREDBOOTZ.. a living thing is a living thing.

And you know what ? That's why I give more tip($) to ugly waitresses than to cute ones... Cute, blond and plump waitresses gets more money and have it easier than other.

It's also the reason I love reptiles, they have a bad rep and people don't like them.

Everyone/thing should be treated equaly !

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Old 08-07-03, 01:51 PM   #18
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I have to agree with the people who are saying what is the difference between feeding a cat, dog, or rat? I have a pet rat and he is the best pet I've ever had. He's affectionate, smart, and a cuddle buddy. I love him more than anything, he's my best friend. Yes, I also keep snakes and feed them rats. It's hard, but that's life. Something has got to die for something else to live, right? Seeing a rat, cat, dog, anything, being fed to a snake breaks my heart. Seeing people eat cows breaks my heart. But that is the circle of life.
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Old 08-07-03, 02:04 PM   #19
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Nope, not kill the ugly. I love mice and rats as pets, too.

And dogs don't even compare enough to enter this discussion. Dogs are people! They just happen to wear fur. Actually, I shouldn't say that dogs are people. That would be insulting dogs.
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Old 08-07-03, 02:06 PM   #20
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In my opinion, these cats are being given away as pets not as food. Why would someone feed a cat to a snake anyway, why not stick with rats and rabbits?

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Old 08-07-03, 02:07 PM   #21
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very interesting thread we have here. though it IS true that we are taught to see cats, and in this case kittens, as pets and not food, you have missed the point in my opinion. The ad was talking about giving the kittens to a home... it is assumed that it is for a pet. If I were to give a kitten away I would plenty pissed to find it fed to a snake.

Marisa, cats do not breed like rats or mice, so I disagree with you there. Usually, cats breeding is seasonal. in addition, cats are pregnant much longer, while rats have shorter pregnancies, which allows more breeding per year. and for me, although stray cats are a nuisance, i'd rather some stray cats then a rat/mouse infestation!

anyway, interesting thread... good job! haha...
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Old 08-07-03, 02:09 PM   #22
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It's not that it's cats that is at the heart of the matter here, it's the intended destination. You can bet that the people picking up the free kittens AREN'T telling the people they plan on feeding it to a snake. If they did they probably wouldn't get the cat.
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Old 08-07-03, 02:15 PM   #23
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yeah, you're right... people. a bunch of scammers! haha...
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Old 08-07-03, 02:23 PM   #24
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One point, one question, and one opinion.

Point-Cat breeding is not seasonal, they go for any time the female is in heat, which can be any time of the year.

Question- Would the nutritional value be the same cat to rodent I wonder?

Opinion- It comes done to a matter of honesty (read in here "honor") If you bought it as a pet and then used as food, not very honest. I personally think that if cats and dogs are a good food source for snakes than why not, it's better than just 'putting them down' and filling up the land fills with dead bodies.
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Old 08-07-03, 02:45 PM   #25
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batdad... you are tech. right that cats can an anytime, but in the wild they spring is by far the most common time they reproduce. esp. as weahter gets cooler, they aren't as intrested in reproduction as earlier in the year. so tech. you are right, but rats can, and DO reproduce all the time. as for your question, that's interesting... I would think a cat would have much more nutritional value, but would be high in fat content that might not be so good. I don't know, I may be wrong about that. I agree with you about your opinion's just a moral issue.

anyway, good post!
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Old 08-07-03, 02:47 PM   #26
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How many kittens did the person take, if it was more than two the owner should of had some idea they wasn't just pets!
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Old 08-07-03, 02:55 PM   #27
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lordkovacs how is cat breeding seasonal? Where are you living? Here in our town we actually have a fairly bad problem with strays and guess what, kittens almost year round can be found in barns, buildings, under decks, etc Also, our friends cat got pregnant twice in a year. And almost all my female cats have gone into heat once per three months.

Here are some figures which can be found anywhere on the internet:

Two uncontrolled breeding cats create two litters per year at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter. With continued breeding, they create:
Year 1 = 12 cats
Year 2 = 66 cats
Year 3 = 2,201 cats
Year 4 = 3,822 cats
Year 5 = 12,680 cats
Year 10 = 80,399,780 cats

Now maybe thats not as fast as mice but forgive me if I am wrong, there are NOT 80,399,780 people willing to provide a proper enviroment for a cat out there which includes spaying. And this is just off 12 cats. Not the worlds population that is already out there. I just don't see how feeding a cat is any worse than a mouse, or a rat. I DO see how feeding a cat that was intended to be a pet would be upsetting but in the long run I think its doing the world a favor. Its sad but true.


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Old 08-07-03, 03:01 PM   #28
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The owner of the kittens have the right to give the animals to a person they will feel give it the best home. To be decietful in your intent is wrong. If you want that kitten for food, you should be upfront and say that.

On the other hand, what if you give your kittens away to the pound thinking a good home will be found. After a few weeks pass, the pound still has not found any good homes and decides to put the animals down. They have the option to gas it, or to give it to a reptile owner for food. Whats do you think of this? the origional owner thought they would be given a good home. In the end, is dead, dead? Or is there a certain dishoner in death by contriction that you wouldnt want your animal to suffer?
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Old 08-07-03, 03:11 PM   #29
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Originally posted by Batdad
One point, one question, and one opinion.

Point-Cat breeding is not seasonal, they go for any time the female is in heat, which can be any time of the year.

Question- Would the nutritional value be the same cat to rodent I wonder?

Opinion- It comes done to a matter of honesty (read in here "honor") If you bought it as a pet and then used as food, not very honest. I personally think that if cats and dogs are a good food source for snakes than why not, it's better than just 'putting them down' and filling up the land fills with dead bodies.

better than just putting them down and filling up the land fills with dead bodies?
Are u serious? That's crazy! Apparently I belong to the wrong site. I love reptiles. But maybe I belong in the dog and cat forums. As I said before, dogs deserve more respect than that. You will never find a more loyal, honest, and unconditionally loving creature (and that includes humans) than a dog. We owe them more than that kind of attitude.
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Old 08-07-03, 03:25 PM   #30
red bootz
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Why do we "owe" a dog any more than we "owe" a rat or a fluffy little rabbit. They are all living things. Its the mice and rats that pay the ultimate pricce for this little hobby of ours by giving up their lives by the millions.
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