Wow, Shane... thanks so MUCH!! If you really want to know, this is pretty much what I am looking for in a nice digicam...
- Clear up close shots, macro... like face pics and tongue pics
- Fast snap shots... I want a camera that I can point and click at something and it will take the pic right away, in like a second. The camera I have now takes forever to snap shot an object. If the object moves, it thus becomes blurry
- I don't mind interchangeable lenses... those would work wonders for me since I like to mess around and take crazy shots sometimes... we had a guy over here one day (my cousins friend who's good at computers) and he showed me what I could be looking for, but also showed me what kind of lenses could be used as well. I don't like the idea of always changing lenses, but I like the fact that they can really produce awesome pictures!
- The Nikons may be really bulky, that's the only real downside to me getting one, if I ever did. I want a digi where I can move it in the position I want to take a pic if that makes any sense... like with the Nikon 4500 I could use the lense side of the camera and tilt it at a 90 degree angle or something similar to get the shot I need.
- I do like to take my herps outside to get that desired lighting that really brings out their true colors. I can also get the grass in there, too... which I think makes it look more natural. I try to find areas that will make the background look cool and different.
- In the last point I talked a little about lighting. Lighting makes a big difference for me. I can never take very clear or good shots indoors with the camera I have now... I just can't. They come out way too dark and flash always screws things up. That's why I try to use lamps and even a flourescent bulb to bring out what the herp really looks like. It still doesn't get the shots I ask for... so that's another reason to looking for a new camera.
- Most of the pictures I will be taking will definately be of my reptiles and other unusual things like spiders and wildlife. I'm really big into taking pics outdoors of things I find. Like last year I found a black and yellow garden spider and took hundreds of photos of it, but sadly only a few came out clear. Most were blurry or dark
. Some pics might be taken of silly things, like my friends when they're acting crazy, and I when wanna have fun with the camera.
- Last but not least, I like to take a LOT of photos, I mean TONS! The memory cards we have now only take about 135 pics each. And my mom had just bought another one while in Canada because my brother took out the other card we had... so it was back at home. A camera with a long lasting bettery is a big deal, too. The one we have now goes dead after about 3 days use. So we're always charging 4 little AA batteries up, and it causes problems when you wanna use the camera NOW!
See if you can find a camera to fit my needs, now... lol. That's a lot of junk I'm asking for and I still can't think of the rest :\. I am going to take your advice and go to Best Buy or something to look at the digital cameras... I was thinking of that earlier, anyway
. Thanks again!