you have helped a lot... out of all the suggestions yours seems the closest. Angel (as it has been named) does have claws as well, but they don't seem quite as long and it seems to be missing half of 2 toes on it front right foot but it still has some sticky pad left.
I am not sure how old it is... I have had it less than a week. It is about 7"-8" long at most (stl). Angel does seem flighty and shy as well, but that could also be that it hasn't settled in yet (still won't eat).
What conditions do you keep yours in since it seems there is not much info on the web? Also what do you feed them? I need to get more crickets and I am wondering if it will eat the large ones or if the 3 week ones are a better choice. Also are superworms ok for it? It seems to ignore the small mealworms I left in its bowl and I was thinking about trying the supers for my baby water dragon.
And your little ones are very cute!
Thanks again so much for your help! If my question get to be too much let me know!