I think... well I dont know what to think really. I guess you may just be trying to show off or maybe dreaming.. wich is great for your age. yet juging from all your other posts I hope your not serious, I hope you really dont expexct to do this or if you do I hope you dont follow though to the buying animals part. If you mom dident like one then let's face it, she isent going to like 20. and you ARE NOT going to be able to care for that many animals and play and go to school and do homework and all the other things kids you age should do. you cant. not with out your whole famliy helping.
P.S. from what I gathered your parents are divorced (sorry to hear that) and your mom seems to be the one you live with. Well most of the time dads get visatation rights most likely for a weekend at a time if he has no record or other things. so if your mom doesnt like snakes it would be more than diffuclt for her to help you with many of them if she is working and taking care for the house and kids. That alone puts a great stress on her. Even if some how you got her to like snakes there is no way in the world she could help you if she wanted to. I just dont see a logical way for this to happen at this time for you, your age and exprince level aside.