Originally Posted by MothGirl
i dont understand what you mean by tagged? this is my first reptile, mind you.. its not that i'm doing things based on preference, is that i'm legitimately trying to be the best caretaker for my reptile and if she doesnt eat, well i get worried... i know its not a big issue but its weird.. i've yet to wrap my head around the fact they only eat once a week so missing food for days is "ok".. only reason i took her out of her hide is because she didnt seem like she knew what was happening. i simply wanted her to know it was feeding time since she's used to being taken out to a completely seperate container to be fed [the breeder did this] so i'd assume taking her out of her hide but still in the same tank would be a much lesser evil, so to speak. i've only ever fed her twice now and shes still understanding she gets fed in the same tank. almost like taking her out of her hide like that is training wheels to ween her off of expecting to be fed from the alternate container so she knows somethings up at least.. if any of that makes sense. more of a "i did this because of this reason, but i hope to not need to in the future" type thing. not as an "i do this every time" thing
Gotcha. I completely see where you're coming from. Your reasoning makes perfect sense.
As long as she's eating and you have a plan in place keep doing what you're doing. You're definitely off to a good start.
Oh, and sorry...tagged = bitten.
Snakes use scent and heat to track their prey. So, if the snakes smells prey close by and then picks up the heat signature of your hand, they may be inclined to strike, mistaking your hand for it's meal.
BPs aren't typically a species with a super strong food response, but it's a good practice to try to follow just to be safe.
Keep up the good work!