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Old 01-31-17, 01:38 AM   #16
Join Date: Nov-2013
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Lots of things and nothing really. I was extremely active and then I suffered an infection in my back that did not impact my blood tests enough to catch it for years until I fell because of the muscles helping to bring my legs under me failing. Surgery, antibiotics, antibiotics, antibiotics, physical therapy, doubled my weight.... I'm doing martial arts again but sometimes things fail. It's more my right side so I can't take a right side falls without weird things happening. It caused my left knee to collapse once trying to take up the strain. I did aikido and then went to do japanese sword after sitting in between and my sword did not draw. I said move and nothing happened. There's no pain for most of these things so I'm left going what did I do wrong? Shifted my left foot back trying to gain some distance to my right just on instinct but that's not correct. Oh..... the right side of my back failed. Have to go stretch that out again. My running hard trails with my dog was walking 1 mile but it's up to 5 over this past year. I feel both like I accomplished something and just how sad that is compared to the past. I can't really make friends because all the activities I'd like to share with someone I can't do at the level of anyone who equally enjoys them. Can't balance my mountain bike anymore and I need to put a handle on my kayak to pull myself out because the only way out of it since my back can't pull my legs under me is to fall out. So I do lots of stuff still but none of it particularly well anymore. It's kind of taken things from hobby level to things I throw myself into in order to not go crazy sitting in the house.
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Old 01-31-17, 07:02 AM   #17
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Re: Off Topic Interests

I love video games, especially puzzles and rpgs. I am actually kind of a new Zelda fan, which is weird considering it's right up my alley. Working on Majora's Mask right now and really looking forward to the new one coming out. I will also probably get the new Mass Effect and disappear for a couple weeks.

I also write a bit of software in my spare time. I'm working on a Euchre simulator that people can write AIs for and have them play thousands of games in seconds so we can tell what decisions are statistically better and prove boyfriend's grandpa wrong about some stuff he's stubborn about.

I don't draw as much as I used to but I still do occasionally. Helps to finally have a good tablet.
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Old 01-31-17, 09:25 AM   #18
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Instilling fear of members of the forum that the banhammer is lurking behind every post, behind every thread. I'm always watching.
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Old 01-31-17, 10:22 AM   #19
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Instilling fear of members of the forum that the banhammer is lurking behind every post, behind every thread. I'm always watching.
I will resist and rebel!
Bio-active for the win
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Old 01-31-17, 10:35 AM   #20
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Re: Off Topic Interests

My five snakes keep me about as busy as I want to be right now... I'v had so many different hobbies, collections, and activities... Everything from studying Theology to Ta'i chi... I'v breed dogs, birds and fish... I studied Ayurveda at the California Collage Ayurveda for two years... I'v played guitar and drums for 50 years.... But Now I do snakes... I have a bad back, that leaves me sitting in my recliner most of the time... So ya! Snakes and TV...
George- 1.0 Purple Albino Reticulated Python... Cornella- 0.1 Pink Phase Corn Snake?
Moe- 1.0 Jungle Carpet Python... Fred- 1.0 Taiwanese Beauty Snake...
Crystal- 0.1 Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python... A cross between a Mojave to Lesser...
Leon- 1.0 Lemon Ball, aka Russo Het White Diamond Ball Python... Crystal's boyfriend...
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Old 01-31-17, 10:59 AM   #21
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Re: Off Topic Interests

School/preparing for my licensing exam and our new baby and our 2 year old will consume my spare time for the next while...but when I have some kind of spare time again...bjj, videogames, fishing, gardening.
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Old 01-31-17, 11:49 AM   #22
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by Cricket1234 View Post
I love to do anything outdoors. I am HUGE on mountain biking, in fact I am on a travel team that goes all across the state. I also like anything that tests my limits physically and mentally. I will run marathons and climb rocks and random dumb stuff to kind of "prove myself," but I do not know what I am proving, lol. Still am limited by my fear of heights, but hey.....I am working on it!
Have you heard of the Barkley Marathon? check out the documentary on Netflix, seems like it might be right up your alley
1.0 Python Regius, 1.1 Liasis Mackloti, 4.4 Boa Imperator = Normal, Hypo 50% Hog, Ghost Het Moon, Kahl Sunglow Het Moon, Poss Super Hypo Leopard 66% Het Albino, Anery Motley Het Snow, T+ Sunglow, Albino RLT
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Old 02-01-17, 04:30 PM   #23
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by PatrickV View Post
Have you heard of the Barkley Marathon? check out the documentary on Netflix, seems like it might be right up your alley
Seems interesting. Definitely will check it out!
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Old 02-02-17, 08:24 AM   #24
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Instilling fear of members of the forum that the banhammer is lurking behind every post, behind every thread. I'm always watching.

You scare me...
[0.1 normal reticulated python] [0.1 leopard gecko] [0.1 normal ball python] [0.1 apricot pueblan milk snake]
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Old 02-02-17, 09:09 AM   #25
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Re: Off Topic Interests

I love hunting. My wife daughters and myself love camping, fishing shooting and archery. My daughters run cross country, act in plays, make crafts etc.
1.2 bp's, 1.2 womas, 1.1 Blackhead Pythons, 1.0 south African Boerboel, 0.1 Chocolate Lab, 1.2 leopard geckos, 1 Brazilian red sided bird eater, 1 cockatiel, 2 beta fish
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Old 02-03-17, 09:25 AM   #26
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Instilling fear of members of the forum that the banhammer is lurking behind every post, behind every thread. I'm always watching.
2.5 BCIs, 1.1 BCAs, 1.1 tiger retics, 0.1 Burm, 0.1 Woma, 0.1 Colombian rainbow boa

But if anyone asks, I only have 1. The rest just showed up for the house party.
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Old 02-03-17, 11:04 AM   #27
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Instilling fear of members of the forum that the banhammer is lurking behind every post, behind every thread. I'm always watching.
You are Canadian, you are not scaring anybody.
R.A.D. house
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Old 02-03-17, 01:19 PM   #28
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by MesoCorney View Post
You are Canadian, you are not scaring anybody.
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Old 02-03-17, 02:31 PM   #29
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Re: Off Topic Interests

Originally Posted by Aaron_S View Post
Who says that is a bad thing? Sun Tzu would approve.
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Old 02-03-17, 07:20 PM   #30
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Re: Off Topic Interests

When I'm well I like to hike, explore the world around me (pick a place on a map and go there kind of a thing), learn new languages, eat new foods, build things despite that I lack the technical ability, play video games, do geeky things like running my home server and web page, gardening, playing and learning to play instruments (viola, violin, guitar, banjo, piano to name a few), drawing/painting, knitting/crocheting, and window shopping/decorating.

There's never enough time/money in the day to finish what I want to do! Plus the long periods of depression I get destroy much of my productivity. But I'm happy for what I've got done recently.

Originally Posted by akane
Lots of things and nothing really. I was extremely active and then I suffered an infection in my back that did not impact my blood tests enough to catch it for years until I fell because of the muscles helping to bring my legs under me failing. Surgery, antibiotics, antibiotics, antibiotics, physical therapy, doubled my weight.... I'm doing martial arts again but sometimes things fail. It's more my right side so I can't take a right side falls without weird things happening. It caused my left knee to collapse once trying to take up the strain. I did aikido and then went to do japanese sword after sitting in between and my sword did not draw. I said move and nothing happened. There's no pain for most of these things so I'm left going what did I do wrong? Shifted my left foot back trying to gain some distance to my right just on instinct but that's not correct. Oh..... the right side of my back failed. Have to go stretch that out again. My running hard trails with my dog was walking 1 mile but it's up to 5 over this past year. I feel both like I accomplished something and just how sad that is compared to the past. I can't really make friends because all the activities I'd like to share with someone I can't do at the level of anyone who equally enjoys them. Can't balance my mountain bike anymore and I need to put a handle on my kayak to pull myself out because the only way out of it since my back can't pull my legs under me is to fall out. So I do lots of stuff still but none of it particularly well anymore. It's kind of taken things from hobby level to things I throw myself into in order to not go crazy sitting in the house.
This sounds a lot like what my boyfriend went through. He isn't physically able to do what he used to despite still having the interest. I just wanted to say that there are others experiencing similar problems and I hope you can find someone to enjoy these activities with at your pace.
4.6 Rosy Boas | 1.1 Kenyan Sand Boas | 1.0 Honduran Milk Snake | 0.1 Taiwan Beauty Snake | 1.1 Green Anacondas | 1.1 Retics | 1.0 BCI | 1.0 Ball Python | 1.0 Eryx johnii
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