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Old 02-24-03, 12:14 PM   #16
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I have to agree with BurmBaroness,
my cb ball python (I got him a year ago as a hatchling) has given me more frustration and head-banging-against-the-wall moments than my corn, king and waterdragon combined.
He goes off of feed for weeks at a time, he ONLY will accept fuzzies or pinkys (hes big and can easily take 1-2 adults, but NOoooooooo) I have to trick him every single feeding by giving him a live pink or fuzzy and as he is swallowing it, place the head of an adult in his mouth. Sometimes he falls for it, sometimes he doesn't. I'va had to do this from day one. If I don't-he doesnt eat.
Not only that but I prefer (like a lot of people) to turn down the heat at night in my home (to save on bills), my bp, on the other hand does NOT enjoy this (will go off feed) and we have had to make special heating arangements for him at night.
Plus, we live in the mountains of Alberta and it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep the humidity up enough for him to shed properly.

I still love him to death, and he is my husbands baby (thats cause I have to deal with all of this LOL) but if I had to do it over again, I would have gotten another king.

*edited to add*
One more thing... he doesn't enjoy handling near as much as the corn and king do. As a result, we only get to handle him before a feeding or he will get stressed out and won't eat at all..... sigh.....

Last edited by andrea88; 02-24-03 at 12:18 PM..
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Old 02-25-03, 01:01 AM   #17
Join Date: Feb-2003
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Thanks again for all of the VERY helpful responses...everyone's input is greatly appreciated

IMO albino burmese pythons are simply beautiful creatures...and I have read that the males are much smaller than females. Is that correct? How would a male burmese be for a beginner like me? Thanks in advance for the help.
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Old 02-25-03, 08:48 AM   #18
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A burmese python is one of the worst beginner snakes you can own. Even the males can reach 15 ft or so, and they are expensive to feed, house, etc. They take alot of time and work, and also have higher requirements husbandry wise than alot of snakes. They are more prone to respiratory infections, which can cost lots of $$. They are defninitely NOT a beginner snake.
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Old 02-25-03, 08:56 AM   #19
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I agree with burmbaroness a bermese python is a terrible starter snake. In my opinion any snake over about 10 feet is bad for a starter. Also a larger snake is harder to get rid of later is you decide that you do not like it. I would stick to one of the many small snakes that people have suggested earlier and move up to the bigger snakes in a few years.
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Old 02-25-03, 09:06 AM   #20
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CORN SNAKE s are great for beginners
1.0 Normal corn snake, 0.1 Snow corn snake.
Lizzy xxx
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Old 02-25-03, 01:58 PM   #21
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Originally posted by BILLP
Also a larger snake is harder to get rid of later is you decide that you do not like it.
That is a big problem in the herp world. You need to be absolutely sure what you're getting into with a particular species, so it doesn't end up thrown away. Consider where you are in life (i.e. finishing high school or whatever) and how your life is going to change in the future and compare that to the fact that most snakes will live AT LEAST 10 years in captivity, most likely many, many more than that. Getting a Burmese python as a freshman in high school is most likely going to turn out bad for the burm. Not because a young man or woman cannot care for it properly, but because their life is going to go through so much upheaval in th next 5-10 years.

If you cannot care properly for the snake for it's (un?)natural life, then you have no business buying it in the first place, in my opinion. Animals are not something to be "rented" until you tire of them and then disposed of.
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Old 02-25-03, 02:16 PM   #22
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This doesn't really have anything to do with... well anything... but I think it's funny how some people seem to forget that humans are animals too...

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Old 02-25-03, 04:24 PM   #23
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Lots of great suggestions here, and I'll add just one more: garter snakes! They are much more active than most snakes, eat a wide variety of foods from live fish and earthworms to frozen/thawed fish fillets to canned cat food. It is fun to watch them fish for their dinner and they are active during the day so you get to see them moving around without sneaking a peak in the dark.

People think of them as junk or starter snakes but 30 years later they are still my favorites, and I don't even currently own any of the designer morphs that add so many pretty colors.
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Old 02-25-03, 04:56 PM   #24
Tara Garratt
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Hi. I am a novice with herps too. I currently own a corn snake. She is pretty, very tolerant of handling and not a threat to my other pets or children. She eats frozen prethawed food which is no hassle to get. Her housing reqirements are minimal. I am pleased with "Samantha" as our first choice for a snake. Good luck in whatever you decide to get.

Tara Garratt
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