Hehehe cuties. And I was just asking about size out of curiosity XD I have a coworker who tries to tell me that Six looks like a big cat in pictures so I never quite know what people think of as big or small and it's always interesting to hear the different sizes. We used to have a couple of bengals [I actually think they were misnamed savannahs] living with us for a while. When you've got a cat that stretches the length of your foot to your hip sleeping with or on top of you every night... Well anything else seems tiny. And by that... I mean their heads were nearly at my hip, not their paws. Six likes to reach up to my hips but just barely makes it haha.
And I couldn't resist sharing these photos from tonight. Six is so bad about snakes. I was walking around with this shed from my king and he tried to snag me. I haaate when cats do that so I decided to get 'payback' a few minutes later. [Truthfully, I swatted his nose lightly to tell him to knock it off]. He had noooo idea what to do!
After that, it fell off and he just kind of stared at it. I thought for sure that he would try to shred it or try to eat it [he's like a toddler, everything goes in the mouth!] but he didn't, he just shook his head around trying to make it fall off haha!