Re: Meet Salt and Pepper -- White Oak Gray Rats
I think the only solution is to avoid regurgitation at the first place, especially in the very young snake. If your snake regurgitate, what you can do is to make sure that they will have their need prepared. Temp must be right, clean water must always be there as snake will be likely to drink more often when they have internal injury from regurgitation. Do not bother or feed the snake for a week and hope that it will be able to heal by itself. Well, if the snake is healthy, well fed and has proper weight before, it normally would heal up, but if it's weak or very very young, it may not make it, it's up to fitness of individuals as well.
If the snake survive, in the next feeding, try offering smaller prey than usual to ensure that they can easily digest it. Double regurgitation is something you would want to happen the least, as for some snake, it could lead to certain death.
Well, that's waht I know. My corn snake used to regurgitate as baby due to the unusually cold weather while she hasn't settled to her new home. I did those above and she survived and is now a good healthy subadult that eats like pig.
- Chrysopelea ornata ornatissima (0.1.0)- Lampropeltis getula splendida (1.0.0)- Pantherophis guttatus (1.3.0)- Pantherophis obsoletus lindheimeri (1.0.0)- Pantherophis obsoletus obsoletus (1.0.0)