Originally Posted by Dilema
Depends on locality, there are plenty of true "jungles" considerably bigger than 5 foot in their natural habitat
Nice looking jungle , best of luck with the clutch 
Sure, when you get into the tablelands areas and some other surrounding area's you get bigger colorful animals but, I don't consider those to be true closed canopy animals. (mostly because they aren't found in closed canopy areas)
Most of the more infamous jungle area's (Mission Beach, Carmoo, Djiru, Granadilla, Tully, Palmerston, etc) are much smaller than their open area counterparts.
Those areas yield bigger animals for many reasons, one of the main ones being larger food sources due to agricultural development and land clearing due to human development.
I've traveled to the "jungle" areas several times during my trips to Aussie and never saw one over 5 to 5 1/2 feet. Doesn't mean they don't exists, they just aren't that common.
I also have maybe 130 to 150+ pictures of wild jungles from those areas none of them over 5 feet.
I do have friends there that have raised these locale animals to be much larger than you'd see in the bush though.
All in the food intake and what's available to them in the areas they inhabit.
Australia is a beautiful and magical place. I encourage everyone to try to make it at least once in their lives.
Thanks for the wishes on the clutches.