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Old 02-07-15, 08:12 AM   #16
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Re: woma python incubation

And my temps at 78 - 82° I don't have a night time drop though... I actually received them from henry Piorun through don p and my male was showing signs of a respiratory infection just wheezing when he was handled I thought it was stress from. The move at 1st as some snakes mimic rit's from stress and cuz it was only wen he was handled.. He skipped a month of eating wen I 1st received him but got him eating again fine... After a couple months of him wheezing wen he was handled only an for a min wen I put him back I looked at him 1 morning an he was open mouth breathing so I rushed him to the vets it wasn't till a week on antibiotics that he went off food and refused since
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Old 02-07-15, 08:24 AM   #17
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Re: woma python incubation

My vet seems to think they got the rti's from overnight shipping I'm not really sure how they got it.. I do apriciate all your help Derrick and every1 else to.. He looked healthy other than the weight loss he had stopped drinking water during the anti biotics but I got. Him drinking again after a couple slurry's with electrolyte mix.. I got all my info for health care from my vets and Melissa Kaplan's which seems to know more than my veterinarian lol I've been following starvation protocol. And the fluid therapy.
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Old 02-07-15, 08:28 AM   #18
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Re: woma python incubation

I don't know if not having a night drop in womas temp cud cause rti's?
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Old 02-07-15, 09:41 AM   #19
Derek Roddy
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Re: woma python incubation

Alright, a few things I noticed in your responce.
Both your humidity and temps are too low. ( I didn't mention too low before as most people keep their stuff too hot.

Humidity should be around 50-55% and your ambient temps should be no higher than 88 (in a rack) with a slight drop at night (which sometimes happens naturally.)

Most vets are clueless when it comes to reptile health and liver issues would not cause RIs in your animal. And generally overnight shipping is not enough time to develope RI.

Most likely the animals has developed an RI infection at this point. (Is there any cheesy looking substance in the mouth?)

If so.... Go in with a soft tooth brush and clean the mouth. You can use a plastic spoon to pry the mouth open for cleaning.

Also.... A good soak in some water ( about an inch) that's warmed to about 90 degrees will help a few times a week and keep him hydrated.

Stand by I have another home remedy for you but I got to find it.
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Old 02-07-15, 09:59 AM   #20
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Re: woma python incubation

I keep their temp at 78°-82°.. I received them and my male was wheezing wen I handled him but only wen handled and for a min wen I put him back he was doing this wen I first received them I thought it was stress from the move and overnight shipping and he wasn't eating when I 1st got them my female was but it took a little over a month to get the male to. Eat but did finally. After a month of eating heartily I came down in the morning to check on them and my male was open mouthed breathing so I rushed him to the vets. I got him put on antibiotics baytrill and another1 and he refused his 1st meal after a week of medicating him and hasn't ate since. He looks healthy sheds in 1 piece and still urinates and has no issue with deification..
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Old 02-07-15, 10:04 AM   #21
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Re: woma python incubation

I need to stop him from loosing weight and I'm having trouble keeping his BMR from force feeding carnivore care powder slurry mix.. Can I add a raw egg and is there anything else you can recommend to keep his weight up till I figure out what's wrong.. Other than refusing to eat he's healthy
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Old 02-07-15, 10:14 AM   #22
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Re: woma python incubation

I did get the ri under control and I paid for culture an sensitivity tests at the vets to make sure and had fecal matter tested both came back ok and neither has had signs of ri's since its just my male won't eat.. Cud my temps and humidity being to low stop him from eating?
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Old 02-07-15, 10:19 AM   #23
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Re: woma python incubation

There at 78°-82° that's body temps and humidity I lowered cuz it was to high wen I 1st built my racking system.. I was worried I'd get scale rot or rti's if kept to high
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Old 02-07-15, 10:24 AM   #24
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Re: woma python incubation

Again thank you I started with kings milks and corns lol thought I had it down pact lol been breeding for years 1st year on pythons though I had a clutch of blood python eggs I losses to mold that's y I asked for the incu tips thanks Derrick
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Old 02-07-15, 10:32 AM   #25
Derek Roddy
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Re: woma python incubation

Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
I got him put on antibiotics baytrill and another1 and he refused his 1st meal after a week of medicating him and hasn't ate since.
Unfortunately, I think you may be too late on this one to save him if you're injecting Baytrill. This is why I don't like vets. And not to scare you but, I've never had a snake given Baytrill to survive over the long run.

If he's urinating green spots at all....he might already have a liver problems because of the infection and then the baytrill almost 100% makes it worse at this stage. (Which would be why he stopped eating.

Try about 3 minutes in...

To be honest, Womas never seem to 100% kick RI issue. But, I've had them live long lives with it, as long as it's managed and they're kept warm (88-89) during that time.

I had success in turning plenty of animals around (mostly other peoples) with the F10 treatment.

Good luck,
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Old 02-10-15, 04:18 PM   #26
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Re: woma python incubation

Originally Posted by Derek Roddy View Post
Unfortunately, I think you may be too late on this one to save him if you're injecting Baytrill. This is why I don't like vets. And not to scare you but, I've never had a snake given Baytrill to survive over the long run.

If he's urinating green spots at all....he might already have a liver problems because of the infection and then the baytrill almost 100% makes it worse at this stage. (Which would be why he stopped eating.
I'm in complete agreement. Unfortunately if you're seeing green, it's probably too late. That can be a sign of chronic dehydration as well as it can be indicative of the kidneys shutting down.
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Old 03-16-15, 12:57 PM   #27
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Re: woma python incubation

Thank you everybody for all of your help... Just a quick update on my womas health my male seems to be recovering and is doing a lot better since I raised his body temperature up to 88°-90° and his humidity to 55%-60% and thank you derrick your tips u gave me probably saved my males life.. I had blood work done to check for liver disease and it came back negative he ate his 1st rat a medium size for the 1st time since July and has started drinking again normally.. He has ate another rat since then and has had normal deifications and has NO green spots in his urine my female has moved her eggs from her ovaries to her oviducts where they meet the awaiting sperm and becomes gravid.. She pushed her eggs down a few days ago and is about to start her prelay shed I was quite off on my timings lol but still continued to integrate my male and female and have had a witnessed lock every week for the last two months
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Old 03-16-15, 01:33 PM   #28
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Re: woma python incubation

Quick question for you derrik... You mentioned before that womas never seem to fully recover from respiratory infections.. What symptoms do you generally see not clear up?
And also you said that you have never had 1 survive over the long run after being given baytril... Can you tell me how long they have lasted for you after being given baytril? And what was the shortest time you've seen a woma pass on from being given baytril? I need to know what symptoms from the ri's that don't go away so I know what to watch for... And again thank you derrik I really do appreciate your help and life saving advise my male is the pride of my collection and my 4 year old twin girls absolutely adore him lol he's puppy dog tame and absolutely beautiful.. I an so happy to see his health improving thank you everybody but most of all... Derrik Roddy you saved my male and I really couldn't be happier with him
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Old 03-17-15, 01:03 PM   #29
Derek Roddy
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Re: woma python incubation

Hey brother, No worries.

Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
Quick question for you derrik... You mentioned before that womas never seem to fully recover from respiratory infections.. What symptoms do you generally see not clear up?
Usually, they have mucus during their shed cycles but, usually goes away after shedding.

Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
And also you said that you have never had 1 survive over the long run after being given baytril... Can you tell me how long they have lasted for you after being given baytril? And what was the shortest time you've seen a woma pass on from being given baytril?
Longest time....maybe a year. And those animals never seemed to show signs of improving at all.
Anytime I've seen it done, the animals go down hill quickly....with-in a week or so.

Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
again thank you derrik I really do appreciate your help and life saving advise
No problem, That's what we're here for.

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Old 03-17-15, 07:43 PM   #30
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Re: woma python incubation

Since his health is improving does that mean I have better chances of him being ok and lasting for the long run? With proper husbandry of course lol I'm very happy that he's eating on his own and no more tube feeding.. He has a lot more energy he's hydrated on his own drinking fine and shows interest in my females I just got a male and female VPI Cherrybomb 100%Het for albino blood pythons.. Great additions to my collection
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