How, and when to throw an intervention.
So ... I have very much debated posting this. I would, however like some feed back because it has been nagging at me for a while, and most of the people I have direct contact with do not care or just don't know what to do.
Anyway, recently I mentioned to a few of my friends that I really missed being around reptiles. I know that I am not in a stable enough place in my life that I can even think about getting another snake for myself for a long while. - One of my friends mentioned that he knew a guy that had some animals that would/could be interested in some help. Curious, I decided to look into the matter and he was right -
This guy not only had some animals, he had a LOT of animals (Primarily reptiles/rodents/ and fish). Like borderline hoarder, not cared for incorrectly caged (Multi species that should not co-hab in one enclosure) animals. Plus many empty cages, w/conformation he had new animals coming in.
It made me sick.
The guy is one of those 'Oh I've been in the business for 700 years and I've done the same things for ever' - not welcome to new idea types. I have very little desire to ever have much interaction with him again. But I would like to do something for the animals. I Have never been in a situation similar to this - is there something I could do ?