Originally Posted by sharthun
I may cut back my preventative treatment to once a year after following this thread and more research,
The right preventative "treatment" doesn't include spraying your collection on some random interval. Mites reproduce every few week so spraying once a year is money for nothing, bad for you and the animals. (Permethrin is a poison and a carcinogen at that)
Quarantine new animals for at least a month before adding to your collection.
A good idea is having a plan to follow....a quarantine procedure to follow (check for mites 2x a week, bath once a week, etc,) so at the end of that month you KNOW the new animal is mite free. We do that and have found mites on animals while in quarantine....the mites never made it to the collection.
Limit who you let in your snake room to keepers you know.
If you visit an expo touch as little as possible then shower before you go into your snake room. When you go to an expo....some there probably has an animal with mites.
The mites have to come in your front door....don't let them.
I know a guy who sprays his entire collection with PAM every 60 days. (He still had an infestation) the PAM is just going to effect his health and limit the life span of his animals.
Permethrin is for when you HAVE mites. You are not helping your collection by randomly spraying for mites once or twice a year.