NatsamJosh: Eh Only been two weeks, haven't really worked out an adequate schedule yet. Mostly because the feedin's eratic for now.
Same here, GarterGirl, as much as I love my lapsnake ribbon, Nerodia's just come out on top in my opinion. Good luck with the breeding! Have you tried They usually have them for a pretty low price.
Corey209, I'll check for that. It's made for reptiles, so I'd hope it's good... As for the amount of food, I just dice up the fish into sizes a little bit less wide than she is, and then give her as many as she wants, usually 3 seems to be the average. Maybe I'll get some pictures of her during the next feeding, so the size is shown.
Mannn where did you find your FWC? That's such a respectable snake, but they seem so rare.
wrecker45: yeah their "bad attitude" really doesn't stick, does it?