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Old 08-14-13, 11:50 AM   #1
Akuma223's Avatar
Join Date: Apr-2012
Location: New York
Age: 29
Posts: 548
Exclamation Rudi dietary improvement help

Hey everyone, I want to lessen the amount of rodents fed to my roughneck monitor and want to know what size roach colony would be great to start with, and what kind of roach is large and easy to breed. Mice are the biggest part of his diet, with quail and crickets being the rest. I hear locusts are a good insect to feed, where would I get these? Can you breed a colony?

Also, as far as crustaceans go where can I find whole small crabs? I have tried feeding both live and frozen crayfish and he turns his nose up at them. He does the same thing with earthworms and it's very irritating as both would be healthier for him than mice.

Does anyone know where I can get fertile eggs that are smaller than chicken eggs to feed him occasionally? I would breed small quail myself if possible for both eggs and feeders.

Starting tomarrow morning I will be without Internet for over a week, so if people could post as much as possible and discuss while I am gone that would be great. Now that my boy is almost an adult I need to fix his diet so he can live long and happy, he is over 30inches now. Please give me any suggestions you have, and if possible direct any Rudi experts to this forum. Help is always, always appreciated!
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