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Old 07-21-13, 05:41 PM   #16
Hannibalcanibal's Avatar
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Re: "bigger" Reptile?

Originally Posted by StudentoReptile View Post
Dumerils boa. Perfect size. 5-8 ft, depending on gender. Fairly docile and a something not quite so mainstream.

Heres a question: think about what you would prfer to feed: veggies, insects or rodents? Might help you narrow down your decision.
Well, i feed all three to my animals already, and if it was a high enough demand, i could breed rodents, and i already grow my own swiss chard and breed superworms for my critters.

So it's not so much a question about what can i feed it, it's how do i keep it and what do i keep it in, and can it come with me, will my parent be ok taking care of it for a few years, or will i be able to re home it if i have to when i go to uni/college.

I like the dumeril's boa idea.... i should look into that. Thanks!
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Old 07-22-13, 02:39 AM   #17
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Re: "bigger" Reptile?

Well, like others said, if you plan to take to college or be having your folks care for it while you're gone, I would stick to something small and simple. Unless your parents are as avid herpers as you are, anything you leave with them should be "dummy-proof."

By that, I'm not calling your parents dumb or anything, but their priorities will not be as yours are. You can count on them forgetting to feed the animal in question every day, as well as neglecting to clean/maintain the habitat. Even changing the water daily you can bet on them not doing.

If the food can be easily prepared and simply dropped into the enclosure, all the better. More resilient species that can "handle" only having their habitat cleaned every couple months when you come home to visit are ideal.
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Old 07-22-13, 05:09 AM   #18
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Re: "bigger" Reptile?

agreed, get something simple to care for if you are not going to be able to care for it for long periods of time, or better still, wait till you can provide it with the full time care it needs, even if your family are prepared to look after it, its not really fair on the reptile to leave it in the hands of someone who doesnt have the same desire for the responsibility as you have
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Old 07-22-13, 09:37 AM   #19
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Re: "bigger" Reptile?

Very true... So i guess that limits it to stuff i could take with me or would not be too much hassle as far as feeding and cleaning goes... So i guess that takes out the option of any big lizards... maybe i should get a medium size snake.

Thanks for the help everyone, you guys are awesome
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Old 07-22-13, 02:23 PM   #20
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Re: "bigger" Reptile?

I second a dumerils... I don't have one yet but they look stunning, get a decent size and are less common if that's what your looking for
Cheers, Jamie.
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