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Old 07-04-13, 11:08 PM   #1
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Re: Rescue

You have a subtle patronizing attitude.

Ik what ibd is and I have seen it first hand. She should look for stargazing and or writhing.
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Old 07-05-13, 06:19 AM   #2
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Rescue

Can you please tell me which symptoms mentioned support possible IBD? I see no mention of stargazing or lack of motor skills. Siezures do not on their own indicate IBD. I am not saying it isn't possible , I just don't see much evidence in the descriptions of the snakes conditions??
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Old 07-05-13, 06:59 AM   #3
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Re: Rescue

Poor little baby... my 2 month old is twice his size

Thank you for helping them.
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Old 07-05-13, 09:31 AM   #4
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Re: Rescue

Guys, guys ^_^ I'm pretty sure they don't have IBD. They've been taken to the vets and blood was done on them and nobody said anything about IBD. They had been taken to the vet for their RIs and 2 did stargaze infrequently but it was for the RI. RI is gone now, symptoms are gone. No stargazing. Plus, from what it sounds like IBD is fast, if they did have IBD, my other snakes, specifically Radio, would show symptoms by now, which he doesn't. We had blood tests done and unless theres some new thing where the vet neglects to tell you about this terrible disease killing and infecting your animals... I'm relatively positive. Jewel was not from the same keeper but we consider her part of the group since she's the same species and we got her at the same time as the others. Justice, Monty and Baby all came from the same person.

Originally Posted by sweatshirt View Post
Poor little baby... my 2 month old is twice his size
I KNOW. Our disbelief was unmeasurable. It's horrid. I cannot stand how tiny she is. We were so afraid bringing her home that when we fed her, it'd kill her - that her systems were either already shut down or about to. There are no words to describe the happiness my sister and I feel knowing she and the others are making the progress that they are.
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Old 07-05-13, 07:05 AM   #5
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Re: Rescue

Great job rescuing those poor snakes. Hopefully they will all make a full recovery.
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Old 07-05-13, 09:08 AM   #6
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Re: Rescue

I just want to clarify, I didn't mean that I think they have IBD (idk if posts were directed at me), just that they shouldn't be co-mingling just in case she just got them. Best of luck with them
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Old 07-05-13, 09:27 AM   #7
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Rescue

I believe these snakes were all from the same keeper and in the same place anyway. BUT I wouldn't have them anywhere my collection for a few months.
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Old 07-05-13, 02:01 PM   #8
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Re: Rescue

^^^ Agreed ^^^. Always better safe than sorry.
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Old 07-20-13, 02:19 PM   #9
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Re: Rescue

Thursday was Baby's 1 year old birthday. She got a mouse instead of cake. Hope she didn't feel too slighted by that. xD

She just shed a couple weeks ago but she's already going back into blue eye, so we expect another shed within the next week.

She's looking so much better, no longer wrinkly, pyramiding or with a concave belly. When she came home with Abraxxos and I, her widest point was not even that of my ring finger. Now she's fatter than my thumb, and has put on several inches. After this next shed we will measure her again.

Here she is with Justice, her mother, checking out the big girl's cage while we spot clean Baby's cage.

And then back into her own cage for some peace and quiet time while we wait for her to shed.
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Old 07-20-13, 02:35 PM   #10
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Re: Rescue

u are a angel for helping those animals <3
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Old 07-20-13, 02:40 PM   #11
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Re: Rescue

Agreed, nothing warms my heart like seeing someone help animals. Good for you! I wish i could do rescue work, but, i'm just a teen living with my parents.... Good thing we have people like you to help the animals that need it....
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Old 07-20-13, 03:29 PM   #12
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Re: Rescue

Thank you for the kind words Kimmie, along with everyone else.

We also had Jewel out a few days ago. Took her out for some time to stretch out.

She just sat there in the grass at first after we took her out of her travel sack and tub. Didn't move. I don't think she knew what to do.

Then she saw me, and made a bee line for me, and proceeded to climb up my legs to sit on my shoulder.
...maybe she doesn't quite understand the concept of outside time as well as some of the other snakes yet.

So we put her down and tried again after a few minutes. This time she seemed more comfortable being on the ground and didn't immediately return to my shoulders.

I really love her dark markings personally.

Checking out the camera again to see if this is something she can climb on too. Her face is slowly getting better. Now that her RI is cleared up and she no longer has mucus everywhere the inflammation of her facial injury is also going down and becoming much less significant. Maybe in time it will go away, as it is not as severe as Monty's mouth rot.

My sister hanging with Jewel.

Jewel's eyes are gorgeous. Kind of reminds me of a full moon really.

But that one little dark spot above her eye on her scale drives us buggers. Every time we see it we have the knee jerk reaction of 'oh god she's got a mite on her eye! Mites! Sterilize everything!' ... and then we realize its just that little dark spot she has. Bah.
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Old 07-20-13, 03:49 PM   #13
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Re: Rescue

Poor things.... I don't understand the whole "Throwing a fit if they aren't together" thing buy good job helping them. Kudos...
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Old 07-20-13, 04:00 PM   #14
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by RandyRhoads View Post
Poor things.... I don't understand the whole "Throwing a fit if they aren't together" thing buy good job helping them. Kudos...
Okay... have you ever seen a person having a panic attack? Now how about a seizure? Put seizure jerking together with the pacing of a panic attack and you have Monty's behaviour when he cannot physically see Justice (except during feeding). Literally has a fit and will struggle to get into her cage if she is in a separate enclosure. He would actually hit himself against the enclosure walls trying to get out. You put Justice in with him and just about immediate calm. Justice doesn't flip out as much except for right when you're moving her from him.
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Old 07-20-13, 04:03 PM   #15
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Re: Rescue

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
Okay... have you ever seen a person having a panic attack? Now how about a seizure?
Nope i'm the only Paramedic who's never witnessed a panic attack or seizure.

Originally Posted by Abraxxos View Post
Put seizure jerking together with the pacing of a panic attack and you have Monty's behaviour when he cannot physically see Justice (except during feeding). Literally has a fit and will struggle to get into her cage if she is in a separate enclosure. He would actually hit himself against the enclosure walls trying to get out. You put Justice in with him and just about immediate calm. Justice doesn't flip out as much except for right when you're moving her from him.
Here we go.

That has nothing to do with them missing each other. If your snake is doing that something is wrong with it.

I'm not trying to be an A hole. I like to joke, don't take it personal, but somethings up with er...that....
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