Originally Posted by Dave Kelley
I talk to a very successful pure diamond breeder, and from what he has expressed to me, that old technique of brumating them is absurd. The ambient temp is what he allows to drop to the 50's/60's, but he allows them a warm basking site during the day.
Here's an online radio interview that he's done.
Josh Easter talks Diamonds 03/17 by Moreliapythonradio | Blog Talk Radio
Yea I was going to write more, but I didn't want to screw it up further. I read a long article the other day on it, and how they basking temp doesn't get lowered, stays around 35c all year. Ambient temps drop, and number of hours the basking spot is available drops down until it reaches only an hour or 2. Since in the wild they don't technically 'brumate' and are active and basking on occasion.