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05-17-05, 12:09 AM
Join Date: Dec-2004
Age: 64
Posts: 154
LMAO Gregg your so easy ,
Always have been clear headed lol you should try to clear your head seems it needs it. Your so full of it your eyes must be brown .
Gregg you'd save time and wear and tear on your finger if you just put that BS about your degree ETC in your signature.
Quote;And is it right to do something just because you want to see if it can be done...... that is just one quote of many where you have said or inferred that doing something just to do it is wrong in Gregg's opinion. And yes I have a hard time grasping Greg's truth because it is not the truth plain and simple . You can go on and on about you experience or Degree in KG but it's obvious that if you went to a school of higher learning your head was on the desk the whole time-zzzzzzzzzzz
It was obvious from your first post in this thread that science or truth were not something that had anything to do with how you felt about these or any other hybrids. You really need to take a look at yourself dude, a hard look.
Though some intelligence and common sense on your part would be nice Gregg I could care less what you believe or don't believe, you can believe that Bush is half lizard for all I care. I was just having fun baiting the idiot.
05-17-05, 07:56 AM
Join Date: May-2005
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
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Originally posted by ravensgait
Quote;And is it right to do something just because you want to see if it can be done...... that is just one quote of many where you have said or inferred that doing something just to do it is wrong in Gregg's opinion.
Um, there needs to be some sort of purpose to scientific experiments, or else they're a waste of time and money and not scientific. If you're Louis Pasteur or Alexander Flemming go ahead and find something that you weren't looking for, but in order to claim something is a scientific experiment you have to have a clear idea of what you're looking for so that you can have a control group and an experimental group. Come on now, that's basic science...
05-17-05, 08:48 AM
Join Date: Dec-2004
Age: 64
Posts: 154
atropabelladona how many wonderful and useful things have been found or discovered while looking for or trying to achieve something else?
05-17-05, 08:58 AM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
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It is clear that this person can not grasp simple science and is unable to form an opinion based on scientific fact......
He said he was trying to bait me somehow, but it is very unclear on what he was trying to catch...... I honestly think he was just enjoyong the conflict but he just made himself look more like an uneducated fool who has no idea.....
All of his claims were shot down, all of his comparisons were way off the mark, and all he did was try to correct spelling errors and make fun of my name..... His posts were not valid or scientific in any remote way..... Yeah nice baiting tactics there.....
I am so easy??? How do you mean???? Please elaborate on this a bit......
And I asked you before to tell me and everyone what MY morals and motives are..... You wrote a whole post and did not explain to everyone...... And find the fault in my logic..... All you told everyone was that you went ahead and tried to bait me the whole time..... Are you getting alittle mad because I am not stooping down to your level and calling you an idiot and making fun of the way your name is spelled, or trying to correct your spelling in a sad attempt to make myself look smarter than you???? LOL You are a sad little boy.......
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
05-17-05, 09:03 AM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
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Age: 49
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Originally posted by ravensgait
atropabelladona how many wonderful and useful things have been found or discovered while looking for or trying to achieve something else?
Simple answer.....
Many things..... The difference is that the "good people" at NERD went ahead and tryed to breed two different species knowingly, at the expence of more than just a few snakes...... Randie, why are all of your post so off topic????
See what I mean???? Nothing valid and without substance.....
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
05-17-05, 09:33 AM
Join Date: Jan-2004
Location: Lakeside, Ontario
Age: 45
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atropabelladona how many wonderful and useful things have been found or discovered while looking for or trying to achieve something else?
You're right, but not at the cost of animal life. And if they were found at the cost, than it doesn't make it right.
05-17-05, 10:16 AM
Join Date: Dec-2004
Age: 64
Posts: 154
Gee little Greggie I don't know, we were talking about Hybrids and scientific research and discoveries if you can get your mind around that. As for countering your science I've yet to see you post anything scientific well that was a cute graph. I don't think your stating you'd like to kill other peoples animals qualifies as science but does say something about your morals and ethics. Gregg scientific research isn't you pouring milk in your Fruit Loops to see what will happen.
Off Topic! what topic would that be your total lack of intellect ? nope you've show that and it's been commented on . Your twisted ethics and morals? nope we've all seen them and many have commented on them. Your knowledge on anything to do with hybrids? well if what you've posted in this thread is it, then well I think you get the picture, wanting to kill some little hybrids doesn't show you know squat about them.
Well dang Gregg give me something of substance to refute other than your poor diction and spelling! man how hard is it to look at something you write before posting it? we all miss things I do many times but come on proof read .
No not mad at all if anything I find you entertaining . And to find fault in logic there must be logic to find fault in.
As for my opinion, I've stated it before . It's my opinion that you know nothing of which you speak(you've done a good job proving that out). That you want to shove your twisted morals and your ethics down everyones throats. You think all should agree with you and do what you want(remember can't have that till you become emperor of the world) ETC ETC
Now notice Gregg the differences in my responses to you and Seamenas and my responses to others like atropabelladona. As I've stated before I respond to others as they post and respond to myself and others. Act like a moronic idiot and be responded to like your are a moronic idiot, keep on acting that way and---
05-17-05, 10:25 AM
Join Date: Dec-2004
Age: 64
Posts: 154
Wizwise what if the harm to an animal found a cure for cancer? you may say nope not worth it but if you or a loved one had cancer ? I wonder at your opinion then.
As for any harm done to these hybrids, as far as I'm aware the only harm to them has been purposed by Gregg and Seamenas who want to kill them.
You can't go by the hatch rate as Gregg mentioned as any indication of the health or viability of these babies. How many clutches in the wild and in captivity have been a total lose. To many factors can influence the hatch rate.
05-17-05, 11:19 AM
Squamata Concepts
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There you go twisting my words again...... I never said I wanted to kill anyones animals..... I said it would be more humane and better for the captive populations if they were used as feeders..... That is so they can not introduce their bad and tainted genetics into the captive population and suffer life as a hybrid with mismatched DNA and a variety of other major health issues......
What is the difference???? You feed snakes rats, mice, and a variety of other mamalian life, right???
Yes my graph was cute and has proven science behind it...... You have yet to be able to disprove it and alot of people seem to agree with my logic..... You know why???? Because it is common genetic knowledge that can be verified......
The only thing you can find fault in, are my typos...... That is why you keep trying to drive that point...... You can not find anything wrong with my logic.......
I have done a fine job proving that hybrids have health problems, proving it is not right to do something just to see what happens at the expence of animals......
NERD has proven that this cross is not a good match because of the super low hatch rate...... They have also proven that they have very poor ethics and are irresponsible breeders.....
You have proven that you try to bait people into an argument, your ignorance, and overall worthlessness on this and many other reptile subjects..........
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
05-17-05, 11:28 AM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
Location: USA
Age: 49
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Originally posted by ravensgait
You can't go by the hatch rate as Gregg mentioned as any indication of the health or viability of these babies. How many clutches in the wild and in captivity have been a total lose. To many factors can influence the hatch rate.
That is a VERY good indication of health and viability.......LOL There you go again, showing you ignorance and huge lack of knowledge.....LOL
Lets just say this was a same species breeding and less than one third of the clutch lived...... That is still a good indication of health and viability....LOL That means something is seriously wrong with either the health or genetics of the animals, or there are some very serious husbandry issues......
See, in the wild, there are many factors that can cause a clutch of eggs to go bad or to have a very low hatch rate, but in captivity, it boils down to either the health and genetics of the animals, or the people doing in charge of the animals..... Those are the only variables in captivity.....
So in either case, what does that tell you about the people who produced this cross????
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
05-17-05, 11:44 AM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
Location: USA
Age: 49
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Here is some info for you.....
Double-stranded damage of DNA.RNA hybrids by neocarzinostatin chromophore: selective C-1' chemistry on the RNA strand.
Zeng X, Xi Z, Kappen LS, Tan W, Goldberg IH.
Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.
Glutathione-activated neocarzinostatin chromophore generates bistranded lesions in the hybrid formed by yeast tRNA(phe) and DNA complementary to its 31-mer 3' terminus. To elucidate the chemistry of the RNA cleavage reaction and to show that the lesions are double-stranded (ds), a series of shorter oligoribonucleotides containing the target sequence r(AGAAUUC).(GAATTCT) (underlining indicates major attack site) was studied as substrates. In addition to cleavage at both U residues, major damage was produced in the form of an abasic site at the U residues. Evidence for abasic site formation on the RNA strand was obtained from sequencing-gel analysis and measurement of uracil base release. Initial evidence for the ds nature of the damage came from experiments in which 2'-O-methyluridine was substituted for uridine in the RNA at one or both of the target sites. The site containing the substitution was not a target for cleavage or abasic site formation, and the particular T residue, staggered two nucleotides in the 3' direction on the complementary DNA strand, was cleaved significantly less. These studies were valuable in identifying the DNA ds partner of the RNA attack site. Direct evidence for ds lesions came from analysis of the products from a hairpin oligonucleotide construct in which the RNA and DNA strands were linked by four T residues and contained an internal 32P label at the 3' end of the RNA strand. Substitution of deuterium for hydrogen at the C-1' position of the U residues led to a substantial isotope effect (k1H/k2H = 3) upon the formation of the RNA abasic lesion and the RNA cleavage products, providing conclusive evidence for selective 1' chemistry. On the other hand, cleavage at the T residues on the complementary DNA strand involved C-5' hydrogen abstraction, as was also true for the T residue in an oligodeoxynucleotide analogue of the RNA strand. Chemical mechanisms to account for the RNA cleavage and abasic site formation via C-1' hydrogen abstraction are proposed.
I am sure all of this is way over your head Randy....
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
Last edited by Gregg M; 05-17-05 at 11:47 AM..
05-17-05, 12:05 PM
Join Date: Feb-2003
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I'm sorry, but I don't buy the "super low hatch rate is an indication" bit. Mainly because there have been people all over the world trying to breed certain species (Indigos, Cribos, Tiger rats just to name a few) and have had very limited success because temps and humidity have been very wrong during incubation. Not hybrids... pure blood to pure blood... and LIMITED SUCCESS. Dead offspring in the eggs, badly deformed babies, or the eggs just die. Should we take that as a sign that they should not be bred or should we keep trying until we get it right?
Every single issue (bug eyes, deformities, etc) that has been brought up can be attributed to inbreeding and husbandry mistakes, too.
Why not quit the bickering of whether or not it's "morally wrong" (breeding with your mom or sister is morally wrong, too, but snakes do it and don't apparantly care, lol). Why don't we just wait and see what happens? If they all die off or turn out to be sterile then you can say "I told you so". But what if.... WHAT IF!!! they thrive and are able to reproduce? And those babies thrive and reproduce? Who cares about the money? The fact that it is possible when scientists said it shouldn't be is thrilling.
Let the thread die and patiently wait for updates. Throwing your opinions at each other does no one any good. At least, that's MY opinion, rofl.
Just keep walking and ignore the monkeys...
05-17-05, 01:07 PM
Squamata Concepts
Join Date: Jan-2003
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Well the info I posted above applies to ALL hybrids..... Breaks in the DNA strand due to hybridization open doors for cancers, deformities, and a large amount of other sicknesses and abnormalities..... Much more so than in offspring resulting from same species breeding..... It is true science and is PROVEN.....
Like I said, low hatch rates are a big indicator....... Look at it like this..... When you breed Woma to Woma, you get huge hatch rates...... When you breed Carpet to Carpet, you get huge hatch rates...... When the Woma was bred to a Carpet, THEY got less than two thirds of the clutch to survive...... That is a pretty crappy number when you compare the other two species breeding their own species.....
So what is at play here???
Is it that this is a very weak hybrid????
Or is it that NERD has to take a serious look at their husbandry and incubation methods????
Either way, there is something very "off" about the breeders that produced these hybrids.....
You do the math....
"A sure fire way for a government to lose control of something is for them to prohibit it."
05-17-05, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Dec-2004
Age: 64
Posts: 154
Gregg quite a bit of difference between someone Playing with the DNA of something and two animals breeding ya moron. All hybrids have these problems you mean every single one LMAO Still waiting on some science from you on this subject. You sound like the people who think inbreeding creates new diseases ETC.
The only thing you've have been able to prove is that you are a certified idiot. Please bless us with more of Gregg's science. And as for your graph ROTFL if one were an animal from this planet the other must be some alien life form.
LdyDrgn if these babies grow up healthy and can reproduce Gregg will either say I never said that (like he never said he wanted to kill them lol) or the story will change that their Get or their grand get will have all these things wrong with them and explode or something . If asked a year ago if a Woma and a Carpet could possibly breed he'd of tried to prove to us all with his science that it was impossible and could never be done.
Gregg it's a good thing you were not in charge when Columbus wanted to sail. You would have bored everyone with how you were positive that the world was flat and all the current science backed you up as you stood there wondering why you couldn't see the other side of Spain.
05-17-05, 02:34 PM
Join Date: Dec-2004
Age: 64
Posts: 154
PS Gregg I feed rodents that belong to me to my animals. I don't threaten other peoples animals and surely wouldn't feed snakes that belong to someone else to mine. So yeah there is a big difference ! You really need to go back and look at the things you say and proof read so you have some idea what your posting when you click that button.
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