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View Poll Results: How is my husbandary so far?
Bad! The savs will die soon. 2 20.00%
Not so good, they will suffer. 2 20.00%
Good. They will do ok as pets for 1 generation. 6 60.00%
Really good! They will thrive, and be able to breed. 0 0%
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Old 03-30-13, 07:02 PM   #136
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Every mammal (exclude pinkys) that has bones, will provide the necessary vitamins, including calcium. I believe shrimp shells, egg shells, and some other stuff provides this as well. If your feeding whole prey, the general rule is you don't need to supplement. d3 if you are feeding insects or whatever.

And some places say 60% humidity is ok, on the assumption that you have the proper substrate and they are able to simply go down and regulate that way.
Pinky mice are low on nutrition because they have very little protein and the bones aren`t formed, fuzzy mice are much better, just cut them in half along the length if too big to swallow whole (do that before defrosting, it`s much easier)!
There`s no specific level of humidity, you need to provide a range, obviously it will be lowest around the basking area, perhaps only 505 or less, but that`s fine so long as there are areas where it`s significantly higher (such as in the burrows/cooler areas where it`s well over 70%).
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Old 03-30-13, 07:04 PM   #137
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
If you offer them a whole prey diet (including a % of vertebrate prey) they do not need UVB exposure, and you do not need to offer supplementary D3. I would personally advise around a 50/50% invert to vertebrate (always whole animals only).
k thx guys.. right now I got hatchlings and obviously they can't eat mouse, so I guess I'll be needing UVB until they can start eating mice then right? or if I don't use UVB, then give them d3 right? Just wanna make sure I'm getting this right.
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Old 03-30-13, 07:05 PM   #138
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

p.s. I also got silk worms which is high in calcium.. that's not gonna replace mice is it?
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Old 03-30-13, 07:06 PM   #139
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

oh and for mice.. do I gut load them? just for future reference when they can eat mice.
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Old 03-30-13, 07:06 PM   #140
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
k thx guys.. right now I got hatchlings and obviously they can't eat mouse, so I guess I'll be needing UVB until they can start eating mice then right? or if I don't use UVB, then give them d3 right? Just wanna make sure I'm getting this right.
Read the above, just cut fuzzy's up into fun bite size pieces. Popcorn fuzzys. I reread what I wrote, makes it sound like I thought a pinky was its own species of mammal :S lol You want to exclude pinkys for the reason that murr explained.
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Old 03-30-13, 07:12 PM   #141
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

hm... cutting a mouse into pieces.. I'm gonna have to think about this one haha.. kinda makes me wanna puke lol
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Old 03-30-13, 07:14 PM   #142
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

hm.. I don't know if cutting the mouse into peices would work, cuzz he would not be able to finish the whole mouse so only getting some parts of the mouse thus might be no longer a whole food, don't u think? e.g. he could potentially be eating just the liver and not the brain for example..
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Old 03-30-13, 07:19 PM   #143
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
hm.. I don't know if cutting the mouse into peices would work, cuzz he would not be able to finish the whole mouse so only getting some parts of the mouse thus might be no longer a whole food, don't u think? e.g. he could potentially be eating just the liver and not the brain for example..
He will be able to eat an entire fuzzy, I'm 100% sure of it. Especially if you cut it up into pieces. And "whole prey" doesnt mean its still in one piece. It just means that it has a bit of everything, its the complete package, cutting it up is irrelevant. Theres no possible way to cut a fuzzy in half and only feed a brain or a liver :-P you either end up with the top half or the bottom half, or cut down the middle and you get two of the same. They will all contain bones, blood, guts, and whatever else. I don't mean to put it in a blender, just take a frozen mouse, and cut it down the middle or horizontally. Also no, you don't need to gutload them, buy them frozen.
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Old 03-30-13, 07:25 PM   #144
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
He will be able to eat an entire fuzzy, I'm 100% sure of it. Especially if you cut it up into pieces. And "whole prey" doesnt mean its still in one piece. It just means that it has a bit of everything, its the complete package, cutting it up is irrelevant. Theres no possible way to cut a fuzzy in half and only feed a brain or a liver :-P you either end up with the top half or the bottom half, or cut down the middle and you get two of the same. They will all contain bones, blood, guts, and whatever else. I don't mean to put it in a blender, just take a frozen mouse, and cut it down the middle or horizontally. Also no, you don't need to gutload them, buy them frozen.
How do we know the breeder of the mouse make give the mouse good food?, or do u mean as long as the mouse can grow to the stage of a fuzzy it's got enough nutrients so doesn't matter?

also, maybe you can't tell the size of my guys from the photos hehe.. His body is literally the size of a AA batery, it can't fit a fuzzy, it might kill him I think! But perhaps I can just try it and give him half of the mouse on day 1 and then the other half the next day, of if quater.. then split it in 4 days..
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Old 03-30-13, 07:30 PM   #145
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
How do we know the breeder of the mouse make give the mouse good food?, or do u mean as long as the mouse can grow to the stage of a fuzzy it's got enough nutrients so doesn't matter?

also, maybe you can't tell the size of my guys from the photos hehe.. His body is literally the size of a AA batery, it can't fit a fuzzy, it might kill him I think! But perhaps I can just try it and give him half of the mouse on day 1 and then the other half the next day, of if quater.. then split it in 4 days..
Just get small fuzzies with fur on them, and cut them down the length, in half the long way. Mouse french fries since you didn't like the popcorn. If he can't fit it, he will rip it apart till he can fit it. He'll be fine don't stress so much. Or if you really don't want to, just feed him whatever else for now I guess. Have you tried silverside fish?

If you want to cut it into 4 pieces, by all means do so, it doesnt make any difference as long as it ends up in his stomach, and it doesnt spill its guts before he eats it (which I think will happen if cut into quarters)
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Old 03-30-13, 07:35 PM   #146
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Just get small fuzzies with fur on them, and cut them down the length, in half the long way. Mouse french fries since you didn't like the popcorn. If he can't fit it, he will rip it apart till he can fit it. He'll be fine don't stress so much. Or if you really don't want to, just feed him whatever else for now I guess. Have you tried silverside fish?

If you want to cut it into 4 pieces, by all means do so, it doesnt make any difference as long as it ends up in his stomach, and it doesnt spill its guts before he eats it (which I think will happen if cut into quarters)
ok I'll try it out this week and see if how it goes. I haven't tried silverside fish.. let me google it.. what do you have to say about it?

So far the only things I tried feeding are crickets, superworms, silk worms. They are ok with crickets.. the ignore superworms, and they love silkworms. They would eat a couple crickets and ignore the rest.. then if u give the silk they will all of a sudden be able to eat more. haha but then u will see their whole body look like a balloon due to being too full..
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Old 03-30-13, 07:42 PM   #147
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Silversides are good, whole prey items, filled with nutrients. Just don't base your diet on fish, from what I understand, they contain higher levels of mercury and shouldnt be the staple, but definately a good item. Shrimp are good as well.
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Old 03-30-13, 07:51 PM   #148
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Silversides are good, whole prey items, filled with nutrients. Just don't base your diet on fish, from what I understand, they contain higher levels of mercury and shouldnt be the staple, but definately a good item. Shrimp are good as well.
I'm having trouble finding a place that sells that. Would buying live shrimps from super market me ok?
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Old 03-30-13, 07:52 PM   #149
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

on the side note. I'm planning to introduce some snails and slugs to live in the new tank in the summer.. since those things are so hard to get rid of once they inhabit your soil, maybe it will be a good constant supply of snacks!
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Old 03-30-13, 07:57 PM   #150
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Petco sells silversides in the same fridge they sell mice in, as food for large fish. I have a big bag in the fridge.
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