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09-09-04, 10:40 PM
Join Date: May-2004
Location: Leader, Saskatchewan
Age: 44
Posts: 122
I cannot stand irresponsible ownership of dangerous animals. To those of you who keep the animal confined, spend the time to train it well, and offer proper care, good for you. Unfortunately, you are a minority. Far too many people's dogs roam free. I do not tolerate this behavior. If ANY dog comes into my yard and i feel that it poses a danger to myself or my family, it will go down. My old roomate was attacked by a dog in our dirveway. I am an advocate of people's rights to own whatever animals that they wish given they are qualified and responsible. Unfortunately, from my experience, 90% of Pit keepers are NOT qualified or responsible. And i truly feel sorry for those dogs. I even feel sorry for the ones that attack people. It is not always their fault. But that does not mean that it willnot go down. I have a rule. If a dog is charging me, most breeds i give 10 feetaway before putting it down. Pitbulls, I give 25 feet. This is of course if they start that far away. If Pits start closer than that, then any movement that i percieve as a prelude to attack, i will not hesitate to fire. Just one more reason for Pit owners to keep their dogs secure.
I am with you 100%..........and I own a Pit X. I'm well aware of the breeds power and what they are capable of if mistreated and abused. I have lived with these dogs much of my life and I know them and what it takes to be a RESPONSIBLE owner of a Pit and I have also had to live with the stigma and stereotype of these animals. Not one of my dogs has ever bit anyone or even another dog but I too would not hesitate to put one down if neccessary, and that goes for any breed. However, being that I consider myself an experienced and responsible owner of this breed I feel the same way a keeper of venemous reptiles feels. This is not a breed for anyone and it takes a huge commitment and a ton of knowledge to properly keep them. Having been around them for so long I know without a doubt that their image of being "man-eaters" and uncontrolable is simply not true but just like 90% of owners are irresponsible, 99% of the population is misinformed on the breed.
Breed bans will not work as other breeds will just replace the banned ones.........dog fights were made illegal long long ago yet it is still a massive problem that has simply gone underground, just like the dogs will. This has happened because the penalty for fighting dogs is a slap on the wrist and the penalties for irresponsible and cruel owners are for the most part non-existent. PUNISH these people for THEIR actions and please do put in a liscencing system for breeders and owners, I know as do most RESPONSIBLE Pit owners that this is the best answer.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."
0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
09-10-04, 03:12 PM
Join Date: Sep-2004
Location: In the clouds
Age: 48
Posts: 61
I appologize to those of you who were waiting to see the statistics from Stats Can as per the number of dog attacks (fatal or non) per year.
I did find a table containing such information, but it would even cost ME cash to get it.
I have as it turns out (ALMOST) unlimited access to these tables but cannot retrieve this one in particular.
I'm gonna keep digging and see what I can find through some contacts that I know at Stats Canada directly, and I will keep you posted.
Again, sorry for not following through. Not something I normally do.
Not a word Marissa~!
09-10-04, 08:57 PM
Join Date: Jun-2004
Location: Windsor, ON
Age: 40
Posts: 206
i know a lot of people keep pitbulls and they don't cause any trouble, but i think this breed should be discontinued. just get every one of them neutered/spayed and there will be no more. they're bred to be what they are, attackers. they're just doing what's been bred into them. people who promote this breed are just promoting this breed's bad qualities. i agree there are a LOT of nice ones, but it's like owning a tiger. sure there are nice tame tigers too, maybe even the majority are, but that doesn't mean they are a nice cat to own as a pet. i think a majority of people who own pits like their image as a vicious dog and thats what makes their nature a lot worse. IMO, as i said, this breed is not an ideal pet (and yes i've known a lot of them, a majority being nice ones). but why get the potentially dangerous animal when there are SOOO many other breeds that have much more predictable and even temperments. rottweilers get this reputations too, but there's is more protective behaviour than an instinctive attack. but they've proven to be more trustworthy and even tempered. n e way thats just my 2 cents.
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
09-10-04, 09:15 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Posts: 5,936
Would you stop assuming I am going to or have attacked you?
Frankly doing that seems very childish and annoying. If I have said nothing to you, then leave it at that. If I have, and it offended you, please PM me and we can discuss it, or report the post.
09-10-04, 09:20 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: Georgia (USA)
Posts: 1,888
I would never tell anyone that they cannot have ANY animal. As long as they are qualified people. If you are capable, qualified, responsible and experienced, keep a Grizzly Bear for all I care.
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
09-10-04, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Mar-2002
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I agree 100% BWSmith.
09-10-04, 10:57 PM
Join Date: Sep-2004
Location: In the clouds
Age: 48
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Want a tissue?
09-10-04, 11:35 PM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: Georgia (USA)
Posts: 1,888
Everyone be nice. We have attack 'possums here in Georgia if you get out of line
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
Last edited by BWSmith; 09-10-04 at 11:46 PM..
09-11-04, 12:59 AM
Join Date: May-2004
Location: Leader, Saskatchewan
Age: 44
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but why get the potentially dangerous animal when there are SOOO many other breeds that have much more predictable and even temperments. rottweilers get this reputations too, but there's is more protective behaviour than an instinctive attack. but they've proven to be more trustworthy and even tempered. n e way thats just my 2 cents.
Myself along with many others have tried(obviously in vain) to point the misled in the right direction for the truth on this breed. There are proven, undesputable studies on the temperaments of Pitts and how they score higher than many so-called even tempered breeds but everyone seems to ignore this. I'd really like to see the study that says that Rottweilers are simply more protective rather than actually instinctively attack focused or better yet, show me the study that shows Pitts are focused on the attack. Yes, Pitts are known for their DOG aggression and that is a fact of the breed but human aggression is another story.
they're bred to be what they are, attackers. they're just doing what's been bred into them. people who promote this breed are just promoting this breed's bad qualities.
Statements like this show a complete and total ignorance towards the breed, I don't want to offend anyone and I don't mean to insult either but that is exactly what that statement is. Attacking people is not what these dogs were bred for and it has been stated many times that the exact opposite is true. They are not doing what has been bred into them, they are doing what has been taught to them and beaten into them by cruel and heartless PEOPLE. I promote the truth behind Pitbulls and I do it from actual experience and knowledge of the breed, all good by the way, so I think I'm gonna get off of this computer and go play with my Pit who is in my living-room getting beat up by my kitten and loving it.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."
0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
09-11-04, 01:26 AM
Join Date: Jun-2004
Location: Windsor, ON
Age: 40
Posts: 206
i didn't say they were meant to attack people, just to attack. i do realize there are a lot of people who own them and they're awesome animals, but the potential is more realistic with this breed. any dog with the wrong owner is terrible, just as any dog with an awesome owner can be the best. but it just seems that it takes a lot less to ruin the temperment this breed. i could mention a bad trait in any breed that could condemn them but none are as prevelant or severe as a pittbull.
i know people who raise wildcats that are as tame as puppies, but a large majority of people shouldn't own them either. they are nice with certain people raising them, but they are a lot more able to do damage than your a housecat.
i don't understand why people want tigers and pumas as pets, as much as i don't see why people want a dog with that kind potential. but as with tigers and same with pitts, there are people who keep them and keep them well. everyone here thats posted about their dogs seems to be the minority of those keeping them properly. cudos, but you should realize they attract the wrong kind of people for the most part. when you breed them and sell them you sell them to people who you may or may not interview ahead of time. but if they breed the one you sold them, who says they're going to screen buyers, and same with that one and the one after. so you may have done your part, but that may mean nothing in the long run.
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
09-11-04, 10:39 AM
Join Date: Sep-2004
Location: In the clouds
Age: 48
Posts: 61
"Everyone be nice. We have attack 'possums here in Georgia if you get out of line".
That's funny cause I was in California 2 years ago and got chased around a garage by one. They are nasty little beasts!
09-11-04, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Oct-2002
Location: Georgia (USA)
Posts: 1,888
i don't understand why people want tigers and pumas as pets, as much as i don't see why people want a dog with that kind potential.
And most people don't understand why you would want a herp at all, or a hermit crab. Condemning the ownership of animals that you personally would have seems a bit self-rightious. It is not about getting rid of the breed, as you suggested. It is rather all about responsible ownership.
I do not condemn anyone that owns a pitt until they show that they are amoung the irresponsible. Unfortunately, it is generally the animals that pay the price.
There are proven, undesputable studies on the temperaments of Pitts and how they score higher than many so-called even tempered breeds but everyone seems to ignore this
As I am no expert on dogs, I would very much like to see the studies you refer to. All I can go on is first hand information, and I have the scars to prove it
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
09-11-04, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Mar-2002
Posts: 5,936
Whatever you say, little girl.
09-11-04, 11:10 AM
Join Date: Apr-2004
Location: Manitoba
Posts: 130
I am not understanding this post at all. I understand that a lot of people have been attacked by pitts, I also understand that alot of people own them and raise them right and train them properly. The problem with banning them (or any animal for that matter) is that people will continue to keep them underground. The other probelm with banning them is that another breed of dog will replace them. The people that train their pits to be mean attack dogs, will them turn the Rotti breed, or the doberman breed, or Akitas, or Mastiffs, or some other big breed that they can beat into a mean attack dog.
It's the people that need to be controled. They have chosen pits because of their tough no quit attitude. If they can't keep pits they'll find something else.
The other thing that bothers me is that some of the same people who are complaining about pits as being dangerous, keep venemous snakes, or retics, or burms, or african rocks. They to are dangerous animals if you do not know how to take care of them. If they were talking about banning our wonderful giant snakes, this post would have a very different spin to it. If it's mean dogs that we should stop allowing to reproduce and want to spay or neuter them all, why don't we spay or neuter all the potentially agressive humans in this world as well. There are lots of people out there that get nothing but pleasure out of ponding the sh** out of anothe person. Lets stop them from reproducing as well and ban them to.
Sorry for the venting, it's just very aggrivating reading a lot of misinformed non researched material.
I am sorry if you are a person out there that has been attacked by a pit, very sorry. I understand where you are coming from, but if you had been attacked by a lab, or a poodle that did a lot of damage, you'd be screaming about them then instead of pits.
Just my 2 (well maybe more) 2 cents.
"Steinbach, MB - it's worth the trip" - even if it's -40'C all winter
09-11-04, 11:14 AM
Join Date: May-2004
Location: Leader, Saskatchewan
Age: 44
Posts: 122
everyone here thats posted about their dogs seems to be the minority of those keeping them properly. cudos, but you should realize they attract the wrong kind of people for the most part. when you breed them and sell them you sell them to people who you may or may not interview ahead of time. but if they breed the one you sold them, who says they're going to screen buyers, and same with that one and the one after. so you may have done your part, but that may mean nothing in the long run.
And good luck finding a person here that owns these dogs and doesn't agree that they attract the wrong kind of people.........I'm a 24 yr old guy that has tattoos and owns a 100lb+ dog that looks like am overgrown Pit. Did I buy him for the image? Not unless I felt cool and tough with my parents Pit X when I was 7 yrs old because that is how long I've been with and loved these dogs but I have to deal with what people think of me and my dog everyday. But ask me to prove my experience with the breed and aquire a permit to keep Pitties and I'll gladly do so if it means stopping the abuse of the breed and repairing their tainted image. I bought my dog because I knew the breeders, I knew BOTH the parents and couldn't find bad qualities in either of them and that has shown through in the way my dog has turned out.
Once again make laws to punish the people who abuse the breed and not just a slap on the wrist anymore which teaches these people nothing and does nothing to stop them. I have an idea.......why don't people start trying to repair the damage that we have done for so long. This dog was unheard of on fatal human attack stats 20-30 years ago untill we did what we did with GSD's or Doberman's, the origianal "dangerous breeds", we taught them to be dangerous. It's funny that a breed like the Pitbull was almost invisible as far as human attacks go untill people started abusing these dogs and our reaction once we have abused them to this point? Ban them, wipe them off of the face of the earth because we aren't willing to fix our mistakes, wow that is starting to sound way to familiar.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."
0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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