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Old 01-27-15, 12:50 AM   #1
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Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

These are the color phases of my Green Tree Python. Her origin Wamena, Indonesia. She was very tame. and I loved her dearly. Enjoy
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Old 01-27-15, 07:29 AM   #2
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

I love progression threads like this! Very cool to see. Gorgeous snake.
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Old 01-27-15, 11:17 AM   #3
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Thanks Pareeeee
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Old 01-27-15, 01:43 PM   #4
David VB
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Very nice GTP and indeed nice to see the changing
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Old 01-27-15, 04:23 PM   #5
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Very nice. Looks like she developed some blue. Or is that just the way the light is hitting her?
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Old 01-27-15, 05:41 PM   #6
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

So I have a question about GTPs. I REALLY want a red one, but do they all lose their blue or reds and turn green? Or is there a line that will stay red or blue or W/E??

I don't mean to jack your thread but I'm curious XP.
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Old 01-27-15, 05:44 PM   #7
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Originally Posted by Cmwells90 View Post
So I have a question about GTPs. I REALLY want a red one, but do they all lose their blue or reds and turn green? Or is there a line that will stay red or blue or W/E??

I don't mean to jack your thread but I'm curious XP.
GTP's will always change away from the red. generally to a green hence the name. But ATB's can maintain the red as adults and have a very SIMILAR look and husbandry requirements.
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Old 01-27-15, 05:55 PM   #8
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

*Sigh* Well I guess that's a good alternative, are their tempterments the same, I know GTPs have a rep for being a heat seeking missle.
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Old 01-27-15, 05:56 PM   #9
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Ya pretty much. They're very similar in many ways. They're pretty much a look but don't touch type of snake. Once in a while you will find a chill one but generally far and few between.
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Old 01-27-15, 06:13 PM   #10
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Originally Posted by reptiledude987 View Post
Ya pretty much. They're very similar in many ways. They're pretty much a look but don't touch type of snake. Once in a while you will find a chill one but generally far and few between.
Gotcha, thanks for the help!
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Old 01-28-15, 08:17 AM   #11
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Originally Posted by millertime89 View Post
Very nice. Looks like she developed some blue. Or is that just the way the light is hitting her?
Thanks.. She had a lot of blue in her.
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Old 01-28-15, 09:24 AM   #12
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Originally Posted by Cmwells90 View Post
*Sigh* Well I guess that's a good alternative, are their tempterments the same, I know GTPs have a rep for being a heat seeking missle.
I Have never seen articles on holding a GTP but i will give you my way. This helped me from getting bit through the years. I mean after all< what good is having a pet you cannot
Like any snake they will bite if you don't handle them Correctly or Fluently. Every GTP i had were ready to bite you. But, if you make time and do it this way you will have a gentle snake.
This is only if you wish to hold your GTP or any snake. Your best practice is a youngling. It hurts less. Never feed them in there home. Have a separate feeding station. With GTPs, make sure they have a place to perch when fed. This is there natural feeding habit.
Time. needs to be on your side. with everything practice makes perfect.
Storing them in totes will make it harder for them to be held. They have to see you and hear you Before you try to hold. Talking to them and letting them know you are there keeps you from getting bit. Its the sound waves they feel when trust of being held.
They so remind me of people...LOL.. When starting this way its like approaching a pissed off person. Soft voice gentle hands. But if you scared they will since it, like a horse they will throw you off.

First, take your hand and rub the bottom of where there perching. Keep doing this while talking to them. never force them to remove themselves by pulling or tugging. When starting this it will take some time. Eventually your GTP will try to move. While your still petting the bottom take your other hand and put it under the part it uncoiled. it will eventually go to your hand and become uncoiled from original perch. The first time holding let it roam and get your scent. Remember While holding always underhand never put your hand over it. At least till your GTP gets use to you.
Putting back, is not that difficult. while your GTP is perched on your hand, GENLTLY rub the bottom of its lip on perch. Keep doing this and will uncoil itself.
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Old 01-28-15, 09:45 AM   #13
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Rico, before he passed, left us an article "Why get Bitten" in Reptiles Magazine i believe. There are also a few other videos on handling from Rico that Frank, a very talented videographer made a while back. I think he goes by Darkpast on Youtube.

Im not sure what the above poster is talking about but snakes dont have ears and there are no studies about soundwaves being beneficial. They smell every single pheromone you give off, so if you are afraid and nervous they already know before you do. Talking is not going to make a difference unless it calms YOU down.

Please do not use another container to feed a chondro, you are asking for trouble and going to get bitten. Their feeding response is beyond most other snakes so unless you are really comfortable with a PO'd snake every single time you feed I would advise against the stress another container causes.

Do not try to handle any creature under 1 year old. Neonate are fragile and have small bone structures that are easily damaged. I raised countless ones years ago when I used to be in the industry. Come on over to MVF forum and start reading up and be prepared to lose a lot of time reading over old posts, great info everywhere.

Always approach from below, I use a cupping of my hands on both side of the perch then gently lift upwards. Most of the time my little ones just happily come out for a cruise, as long as nothing smells like food in the room.

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Old 01-28-15, 10:16 AM   #14
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Originally Posted by Big_V View Post
Rico, before he passed, left us an article "Why get Bitten" in Reptiles Magazine i believe. There are also a few other videos on handling from Rico that Frank, a very talented videographer made a while back. I think he goes by Darkpast on Youtube.

Im not sure what the above poster is talking about but snakes dont have ears and there are no studies about soundwaves being beneficial. They smell every single pheromone you give off, so if you are afraid and nervous they already know before you do. Talking is not going to make a difference unless it calms YOU down.

Please do not use another container to feed a chondro, you are asking for trouble and going to get bitten. Their feeding response is beyond most other snakes so unless you are really comfortable with a PO'd snake every single time you feed I would advise against the stress another container causes.

Do not try to handle any creature under 1 year old. Neonate are fragile and have small bone structures that are easily damaged. I raised countless ones years ago when I used to be in the industry. Come on over to MVF forum and start reading up and be prepared to lose a lot of time reading over old posts, great info everywhere.

Always approach from below, I use a cupping of my hands on both side of the perch then gently lift upwards. Most of the time my little ones just happily come out for a cruise, as long as nothing smells like food in the room.

I never said they have ears, but all living things feel sound. and that was my point. If you have a family household the one knowing your voice by the feel of sound is why i stated this. By reading your post only thing i get out of it is be dont hold your GTP. Being a person who raised many and handled many GTPs Im giving what helped me. as far as feeding, Again feeding in different places is more beneficial on wanting your snake being held. If you learn to read and try to understand what someone is talking about before stating that i dont know what im talking about. you will find it beneficial.
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Old 01-28-15, 10:57 AM   #15
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Re: Pykey my GTP from Wamena COLOR PHASES

Nope 20 years of experience with these creatures and I am going to stick by what the chondro godfathers taught us.

It is beneficial for you holding the snake yes, but is causing undue stress on the animal as well as leading to a situation in where an already hyped up chondro is now being held so shortly after a meal. Which is bad for arboreal snakes. I dont know of any big name chondro keeper that uses this technique or recommends it to their clients. Most advise against it because the snakes will condition themselves to know the prey item is coming next and start to snap in the cage thinking its time to eat.

I hold every single one of my chondros, physical examination are a key part of chondro husbandry and needed to be part of any collection of any species.

I understood completely but once again I can yell from 2 inches or whisper from 2 inches and none of my chondros is going to react to it. The talking helps the handler calm down, the snake is not going to become Pavlovian trained in any way because of sound via persons mouth. They would much more likely recognize a persons smell than anything else.

Hope that helps.
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color phases, green tree python, gtp, photography, wamena

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