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Old 05-09-13, 08:25 AM   #1
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Will anything bad happen?

I want to put my tiger retic inside my albino burms enclosure, just so I can see how they'd interact. My burm is about 9 feet long, and is turning 3 years old in December. My retic just turned a year old in March, and he's about 6 feet long. They're both males, and my burm is at least 4 times the girth of my retic. They've never been together ever in their whole lives, and I've also owned them since they were both hatchlings, so not diseases will be taken from one snake and put on the other.
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Old 05-09-13, 08:28 AM   #2
Mark Taylor
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Re: Will anything bad happen?


Why would you want to do that?
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Old 05-09-13, 08:35 AM   #3
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Sorry I read it so fast I missed the part about interacting.

The snake that is in the enclosure already will defend it at any cost. more stress, possible one will get eaten the one that does scurry away will not be able or more unlikely to go where it needs hot/ cold area etc etc it's a bad idea.
1.2.22 Bci's 1.0 Corn 1.0 Burm
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Old 05-09-13, 09:25 AM   #4
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

I've no experience with the giants so I can't comment on how they'd react differently but it just doesn't seem like a good idea.. If its advised not to house 2 males together of each species why would you want to see what happens mate?

Are you willing to get in the middle and seperate the two of them if they start going at it and end up constricting each other? Just a thought.
Cheers, Jamie.
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Old 05-09-13, 11:02 AM   #5
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

May you have more good days than bad
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Old 05-09-13, 11:16 AM   #6
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Yeah I don't think I quite understand why you would have even thought of that idea
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Old 05-09-13, 11:52 AM   #7
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Terrible idea!
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Old 05-09-13, 12:46 PM   #8
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Originally Posted by Snakey-Jay View Post
Are you willing to get in the middle and seperate the two of them if they start going at it and end up constricting each other?
^^ This. All about this.
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Old 05-09-13, 01:30 PM   #9
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

What the heck do you expect them to do when they "interact" - grab a beer out of the fridge and plop down in front of the tv together to watch baseball, or what? If you're lucky they'll ignore each other, if you're not you'll have two badly injured snakes plus a trip to the emergency room after getting bitten trying to separate them.
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Old 05-09-13, 01:44 PM   #10
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

There you guys go again, assuming. Interact is a general term. Maybe he wants some reptilian mma to post on youtube.

Squirtle, by interact, did you mean wrestle or tussle as in an aggressive action?
~In my humble opinion.
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Old 05-09-13, 02:09 PM   #11
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Snakes should never be put in the same enclosure unless its a male and female and you're trying to breed them. They do not like being around other snakes, or anything in general, and you will end up stressing them out and eventually having 2 very sick or dead snakes.
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Old 05-09-13, 02:21 PM   #12
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Originally Posted by Ivanator View Post
Snakes should never be put in the same enclosure unless its a male and female and you're trying to breed them. They do not like being around other snakes, or anything in general, and you will end up stressing them out and eventually having 2 very sick or dead snakes.
i keep Carpet Pythons,same sized females and same sized pairs,in the same enclosure with no issues mate (never 2 males though)

to the op
2 males imo will combat,resulting in injured or dead snakes

cheers shaun
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Old 05-09-13, 03:30 PM   #13
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

Your kidding right. 2 males and different species?
Are you hoping to get rid of one?
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Old 05-09-13, 04:11 PM   #14
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

I personally don't see a benefit to doing this, unless you're trying to breed them. Any other reason is just cutting corners, IMHO.
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Old 05-09-13, 08:53 PM   #15
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Re: Will anything bad happen?

You know I'm reading a lot of comments telling him gloom and doom but most of the people speaking have not got any experience.

Dollars to donuts says they will ignore each other. It isn't breeding season,he doesn't have a female and there isn't any food present. Critical thinking will make you all look a lot more intelligent. Keeping your mouths closed will make you look like geniuses!

Now I read this and facepalmed. Bad idea. Why? Because you are putting them both in a very small and escape proof space. Try putting them both in the same open room. You should be able to see how they interact just fine. It gives them space to avoid each other if necessary. It also give you room to maneuver if you need to intervene.

Personally I wouldn't recommend you do it but that's based on your experience.
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