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Old 12-15-12, 11:49 PM   #1
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Here's my cage;) show me yours

Ok so If anyone remembers before I took out all furniture. Sow what I did was put one of his hide back on his hot side. On the cool side he has his shedding branch. Only problem is he's in his hide a lot ontop of the uth. Is this a problem? I have seen him a few times on the cool side out on the open. And maybe he's there often I only check on him a few times a day. He ate again Thursday another small rat. So I rewarded him with his hide lol. I will try on Wednesday to go back to medium rats and hopefully he devours it. I just hope his hide doesn't get in the way of him eatin. I almost feel like all the open space was whyhe ate. Anyway let me know what you think also post your enclosures!!!
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Old 12-16-12, 12:04 AM   #2
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

oops forgot this!
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Old 12-16-12, 12:04 AM   #3
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

basic enclosure now I will work on building my own big one in a few months or spending the money on a custom
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Old 12-16-12, 12:15 AM   #4
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

Save yourself a lot of effort and go with something like a vision 632, it will house MOST adult retics all it's life. There are the exceptions of the 19-20' individuals, but I've seen 18' sit just fine in a 632.
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Old 12-16-12, 03:25 AM   #5
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

Best photo I have on hand.
You definately do not want to keep a retic in a fish tank... they hold heat terribly, the animal is exposed on all sides, they hold humidity terribly and most retics (when kept in sub par conditions IE a fish tank with a screen top) will rip their faces off on mesh tops.
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Old 12-16-12, 10:10 PM   #6
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

What's a 632 where can I browse for them. Yes the tank in defiantly just 4 now
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Old 12-17-12, 12:15 PM   #7
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

Originally Posted by ReticMan123 View Post
What's a 632 where can I browse for them. Yes the tank in defiantly just 4 now

#632 is towards the bottom of this page.. Vision Products

I would look into custom building one though. That is a lot of cash for a plastic box with a door.

I build my own vivs, although I don't own any large snakes you could just make a larger viv in the same style for a lot less than it would cost to buy a vision cage. I built this 4x2x18 for under $200 and I think it looks a lot better than any plastic box.

This one was also built for under $200 ...3'x2'x2'

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Old 12-17-12, 12:31 PM   #8
slainte mhath
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

why take the hide out the cool end ?

imo you need to give the snake a hide at its cool side

imo a snake thats looking for security,will go into a really hot hide,regardless if the temps are way too high for it,it will put its security first

just like a nervous/stressed snake will sit freezing it's as* off in a cool end hide,if thats all the keeper provides

imo fish tanks are for FISH

that said there are some smaller species who would do fine in fish tanks,but imo not a retic

cheers shaun
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Old 12-17-12, 12:53 PM   #9
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

A retic that size shouldn't need a hide, I've never had one past 3 feet use one, although I occasionally leave them available when I have people over and don't want to stress them too much.
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Old 12-17-12, 02:58 PM   #10
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

I do not use hides for any of my retics, they don't really need it. Other than some pusher males..

Custom cages are great but retic piss will eat through most woods, and they do get destructive at times. It has to be sturdy to hold up to them being big snakes LOL
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Old 12-17-12, 03:01 PM   #11
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

As far as holding up to the snakes.. you can coat the bottom and even the walls if you wish of the wooden viv with a 2 part epoxy. This is the kind I use. It will seal it 100% and with stand a lot of abuse. It is used on bar tops and they make other kinds that are used on boats.
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Old 12-17-12, 03:17 PM   #12
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

Originally Posted by Gungirl View Post
#632 is towards the bottom of this page.. Vision Products

I would look into custom building one though. That is a lot of cash for a plastic box with a door.

I build my own vivs, although I don't own any large snakes you could just make a larger viv in the same style for a lot less than it would cost to buy a vision cage. I built this 4x2x18 for under $200 and I think it looks a lot better than any plastic box.

This one was also built for under $200 ...3'x2'x2'
Gungirl - Those are very nice looking. Do you have some kind of detailed plans you followed you can link to or did you just put it together on your own? I'm pretty certain I can do it on my own without plans, but it's always nice to have someone else's to not repeat any trial by error mistakes.
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Old 12-17-12, 04:03 PM   #13
Diesel the pumpkin killer
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

Thanks for the compliment Faconeer999

No plans.. built a box sealed it and made it look good. I couldn't fallow plans if I was paid to.
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Old 12-17-12, 04:46 PM   #14
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

I wanted to biuld a nice one like gungirls but had 2 showcases dropped in my lap for less than half price. So i bought another boa to put in the second one.
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Old 12-18-12, 05:01 PM   #15
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Re: Here's my cage;) show me yours

Originally Posted by Gungirl View Post
As far as holding up to the snakes.. you can coat the bottom and even the walls if you wish of the wooden viv with a 2 part epoxy. This is the kind I use. It will seal it 100% and with stand a lot of abuse. It is used on bar tops and they make other kinds that are used on boats.
Big snake = BIG piss, we're talking a gallon+ at a time it seems, its crazy. Not saying your method wouldn't hold up to it, just I don't think I would want to risk it. As much as I love your cages, its not a reasonable option for a lot of people. Not everyone has the tools or skills to do what you do.
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