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Old 09-17-12, 03:43 PM   #1
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building for Godzilla- help?

talking to the wife this past week, said she would prefer Godzilla to move out back when I build his final enclosure . . . so my question is how to go and build a building and keep it temp controlled year round as we hit highs in the 90's summer and lows in the 0 F for winter any Ideas as the sooner I know what to do the better it is for Godzilla.
Thanks for any help or ideas
needs to be 14'x12' at least with a hight of 7'
Chris York
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Old 09-17-12, 04:01 PM   #2
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

I would build a shed or small barn first, insulate the living heck out of it, install central heating for the winter, and then put up a cage inside that.

Insurance against all variables.

I would also install a propane backup heater with a thermostat to kick in when winter storms knock down wires.
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Old 09-17-12, 04:12 PM   #3
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

should i worry too much about the summer heat, my house is not insulated and only get around 85 max during the summer heat in the south facing rooms, we have one window mounted cooler and its on the north side of the house so doesn't effect the south rooms at all.

At work right now and drawing up plans on my spare time .
As far as the ground goes should i dig down and put a barrier there or put a barrier on the surface and bring in dirt? opinions and ideas, all are welcome
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Old 09-17-12, 04:22 PM   #4
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

insulating against winter means the floor too, so the whole shed should be on a foundation, or have a slab floor with radiant heating in the slab.

The frost line can sneak in from the sides and get under the shed.
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Old 09-17-12, 04:26 PM   #5
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

Jokingly I wood move the wife to the shed. Jk. For summer I would have a thermostatically operated vent, or fan to remove any excess heat. Living in the north eastern part of the country, I am having a tough time wrapping my brain around this one.

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Old 09-17-12, 04:36 PM   #6
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

my wife puts up with a lot so I do have to take her side once in a blue moon and this is that time.
I'll get some ideas drawn up and get them on here tomorrow morning hopefully
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Old 09-17-12, 04:41 PM   #7
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

I just gave mine a new finished crafting room behind my vive, but I know and do see your point. Is this something you can attach to the house?

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Old 09-17-12, 04:55 PM   #8
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

No, it will be a lone structure not too far from the house(still have to ask my wife where she wants it on my break time)
It will be on a foundation
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Old 09-17-12, 05:48 PM   #9
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

Not sure if it was home depot or lowes that I saw a book titled something along the lines of the how to design and build your own shed. They are pretty decent books that walk you through every little detail. Do you have any past in construction (structural wise not cages) at all or is this a first for you? I do construction as my main source of income and can help you out with any and all questions you may have.

What I share are only my experiences, point of view or things I have read. They are not what you must do or believe. They are simply things to give you ideas and research further so you can make an educated/informed decision on what may work best for you and your animal.
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Old 09-17-12, 06:10 PM   #10
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

i've done some construction, but will definately ask when I have a question
just talked to the wife and she gave me more of the backyard, I think she's
just excited that it wont be in the basement once I get It built.
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Old 09-17-12, 06:36 PM   #11
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

how does everyone feel about a 8'x18'x7' or 10'x16'x7' for two ornates?
depends on which side of the yard I put it on.
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Old 09-17-12, 06:43 PM   #12
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

Woah, woah. Two?!

Both of those sizes sound ok to me. Go for the bigger one!
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Old 09-17-12, 06:50 PM   #13
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

I figure my wife owes me for moving Godzilla out of the house. If she doesn't have to deal with it and it doesn't howl all night then she'll be okay with it.
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Old 09-17-12, 06:56 PM   #14
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

Very good, I am liking this plan.
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Old 09-17-12, 07:57 PM   #15
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Re: building for Godzilla- help?

I'm so jealous! I wish I had space like that! although I don't have any lg monitors, I may want some one day
What I share are only my experiences, point of view or things I have read. They are not what you must do or believe. They are simply things to give you ideas and research further so you can make an educated/informed decision on what may work best for you and your animal.
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