Welcome to the forums. I don't want to be a negative-Nancy; Burms are one of my favorite python species, but a giant constrictor is not a good first reptile.
I hope you have taken the time to properly research Burmese pythons, and understand....REALLY understand...the HUGE amount of responsibility you have just taken onto your shoulders. If you know what you are doing, and are responsible and prepared, you will have a very nice pet; however, I do have a few points I would feel I was doing my part if I did not make:
*Burms are generally very docile, but a bite from a large Burm will likely result in the need for stitches, or at least a very painful healing process. I was tagged a glancing blow by a 10-foot retic that I was not watching carefully enough- completely my fault- and I needed 9 stitches in my finger. A good six months later and the finger still does not have full range of motion and is incredibly painful on cold mornings.
Your choice of female gender means that you are going to end up with one very very large snake. Female Burmese pythons can hit 16+ feet and weigh 200+ pounds. At any size larger than what she is now, you CANNOT handle her without another person in the room nearby, prepared to jump in should the unthinkable happen. DO you live with other people who are willing and able to spot you when you handle your snake? Do they fully understand the size this snake will reach?
* Housing. A full-grown Burmese python requires a cage that is AT LEAST 10 feet long x 2-3 feet wide. A very large female will require a space the size of a walk-in closet. Can you provide such space, with proper heating and water and substrate?
*Food. A large Burmese python can eat several rabbits in one sitting. My big male (14-feet) is eating a 10-pound rabbit every 3-4 weeks. A rabbit can cost you anywhere from $5-30 depending on your supplier. DO you have the funds to supply this food--- every time the snake needs to be fed---for upwards of 20 years??
Again, I don't want to come off as overly harsh or off-putting...ask my friends here...that is not my intention. I want you to succeed and become a reptile owner success story with a happy ending. I have, unfortunately, seen the aftermath of Burms whose owners bit off more than they could chew, or didn't understand the needs of the species. Both of my Burms are rescue snakes- the smaller male came from a couple who was trying to feed him live chickens and geese. He was covered in scars, ridden with mites and way too small for his age.
The other snake, my sweet big boy Trogdor, was being kept in a plastic underbed bin by a kid trying to hide him from his parents. Trogdor lasted a week in that house before being discovered and offered to me. He is by far the sweetest, most personable snake I have ever owned, and I love that snake like a cat or dog. I've just seen so many Burms abandoned, sold, traded....or worse...because the owner decided the snake got too large or too heavy or too expensive. I have to make sure this won't be the case with you and your snake.
Anyway, we love pictures here, so I'd love to see some photos of your new girl, and I wish you the best of luck with her. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to PM me or ask them on a thread...I'll help you out as much as I can.