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Old 01-31-11, 01:05 AM   #1
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My baby KSB won't eat :(

Hey guys I have a 8 inch baby KSB, and she won't eat. I have her in a 10 gallon enclosure at 95 degrees. I had a live pinky in there for hours and my KSB didn't eat it. I also did the brain splitting which someone told me to do, and that didnt work either. I don't know what to do :\ I used tongs to wiggle it near her head and that didn't work either. Any advice would be appreciated
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Old 01-31-11, 07:58 AM   #2
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

"Where would we be without the agitators of the world attaching the electrodes
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Old 01-31-11, 10:08 AM   #3
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Is this her first missed feed? If so, dont worry - many snakes will miss a feed for no apparent reason. If it is looking healthy and there are no other concerns about it then there is probably nothing to worry about. Just try to feed at the next scheduled feed.

I have a young Ball Python that is now about 10 weeks without eating, lots of snakes go off food this time of year due to breeding season so i am hoping that come spring he will start up again.
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Old 01-31-11, 06:13 PM   #4
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Hi and welcome to the forum! I have a small ksb as well (although she is 12 inches or so) who has been off her feed. She has, to this date, not eaten for over 5 weeks. This past weekend I had to help her shed so I am now giving her a few days to relax and resettle. Despite not eating for this long she still remains healthy so don't worry too much. There are various reasons a young snake may not be eating (it's winter, it's breeding season, new environment, trouble shedding, or otherwise stressed--got all this info from this forum as I searched during my period of concern). Try feeding your little one again in a week and keep us posted. I'll let you know when Eryx finally eats as well.
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Old 01-31-11, 06:42 PM   #5
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

I assume its not all at 95 I hope? mabye its a bit too hot?
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Old 01-31-11, 10:04 PM   #6
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Well I just bought a air temp in my cage and it says 67 degrees. Only the bottom is 95 degrees. Can this be a issue ?
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Old 02-01-11, 05:34 PM   #7
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

I'm not the professional but what type of subtrate do you use? If sand then your setup sounds like mine. I have about 2 - 2/1/2 inches of sand and a small undertank heater on one side that gives a good amount of heat through the sand for about 1/4 of the tank and is cooler as you go higher in the said. I also have a small incandecent light above the tank for light and to heat the surface somewhat. When you take your snake out initially is it cold?
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Old 02-01-11, 10:07 PM   #8
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Shmoges yes it does feel cold, but she actually just ate today!!! I found out what I was doing wrong. My snake's cage air temp was at 65 which was told cold for my sand boa. I bought a 100 watt light for my snake and now its at 90-95 degrees, and it ate quickly!! I am so glad that my snake is healthy now!
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Old 02-02-11, 04:44 AM   #9
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Glad its sorted, snakes wont take food if it is too cold as they need the heat for digestion. I personally would still not handle the snake until it has eaten at least one more time for you.
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Old 02-02-11, 10:01 AM   #10
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

I think I'm going to go buy a 60 watt ceramic heater thing for my KSBs. I don't think the little sausage light is enough to warm the air and surface of the tank enough.
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Old 02-02-11, 10:29 AM   #11
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Hey Lankyrob why not? Is it because it would try biting me ? And shmoges and everyone else thank you very much!
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Old 02-02-11, 12:44 PM   #12
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

I think he means for stress reasons
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Old 02-02-11, 03:07 PM   #13
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Originally Posted by Myksbrocks View Post
Hey Lankyrob why not? Is it because it would try biting me ? And shmoges and everyone else thank you very much!
Because its more important for the snake to eat regularly than it is for it to be tame enough to handle, there is the possibility that it wont eat again next feed time so by getting at least two concurrent feeds under your belt you can be more sure that everything is right.
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Old 02-02-11, 03:28 PM   #14
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Yeah I am still waiting for my exbest feeder to shed and eat this silly pup rat I've had for a week.
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Old 02-03-11, 02:50 PM   #15
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Re: My baby KSB won't eat :(

Congrats on getting your little one to feed! Hope all continues to go well for you!
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