So.... I've been posting a running work log for this on, but I figured you guys might appreciate some of my 'craftsmanship' lol.
So far I've been working on this for the last 4, maybe 5 days and its so far cost be a grand total of $4.67. I'm about to spend $20 on some flexwatt for a UTH that'll be positioned underneath a tile.
First off, this is Greg.
Everybody say 'Hi' to Greg lol
This is Greg guarding a bottle of water for me last night.
And this is Greg in his current enclosure.
Basically, the fiancee and I have been talking about building a new enclosure for Greg for a little while now and I finally started it last week as an excuse to get out of writing a paper for a college class... Yay procrastination!
I didn't really have a plan other than to make an enclosure big enough for him to grow into, but not so big as to stress him out. I also wanted to incorporate some storage space into it.
This is the basic shape of the structure. It's all built from 3/4" plywood.
Yours truly cutting a 7"x7" hole in the side for ventilation.
Vent hole completed. I've used Pegboard in all my vent holes and then put a nice trim over the seams.
This is the back panel of the enclosure. Its made from a single piece of Bead-Board with a ventilation panel stuck into it. The vent is 20"x7".
This is where I stood at the end of day one. The main structure was completed and I was left with a lot of filling and sanding.