Just a thought that I had for a setup for a GTP baby...
First off, here's my idea -- I want to take an aquarium, turn it on it's end (so it's upright), and have a piece of plexiglass (or the like) somehow attached as a locking door. Not a sliding door, but a door that works on hinges. I'd drill holes into the door for ventilation...
Now here's the reasoning behind it -- I know that most people keep their young arboreals (esp. ones that need humidity like GTPs) in rubbermaids -- but I prefer having more visibility, and the rubbermaids seem awfully small as far as having room to maneuver in there while cleaning without having the snake be right in your face, and wanting to bite you. The other option was just getting an aquarium and setting it up with a conventional screen top (and covering part of it to help control humidity) -- my problem with that setup being similar to one of the problems with the rubbermaid -- since the snake is arboreal, it's likely to be at the top of the tank when you open it up, and you could get tagged before you even knew what happened.
What does everyone think? What have you found works well for young arboreals, especially ones that tend to be a bit on the aggressive side?
Thanks for any input that you can give
