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Old 07-13-04, 06:25 PM   #1
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Angry Reptile Refuge at it again!

Are any of you aware of the fact that Mr. Springgate from The Reptile Refuge has got the media up in arms about the African Rock Python that they have bred. Stating the Animal is too dangerous to take the eggs away from and no "python" expert on staff. They decided to notify the media to send a camera crew down to film the mother snake having her eggs taken away and the eggs destroyed. As it said in the Vancouver Sun (thursday) written by Mr. Read an African Rock Python is know to eat people especially small children" .

I saw in the Vancouver Province today a huge ad with Tony Parsons picture and a baby African Rock Python picture with the caption:


How to stop it from reproducing.
You'll see it tonight
News Hour with Tony Parsons.
Tonight @ 6:00 .. BCTV NEws.

So to answer the Question how do you stop if from Reproducing? Don’t put a female rock python in with a male rock python. That would be helpful to start.. I guess no one asked why they were breeding it in the first place?

Mr. Springgate's Comment to Mr. Read was.. " Some one else created this problem" ..
My answer to that is "No the Reptile Refuge created this problem through thier careless, stupidity of placing two rock pythons together and letting them bred. They should be ashamed of themselves for creating this problem (a problem they rail against and yet they have done it themselves) they are neglagent, irresponsibile pet owners.

My comment to that is the sheer hypocracy of that supposed “Reptile Refuge” that takes in these unwanted reptiles but allows NO ADOPTION Program because no one can possibly look after these animals but them. They are garnering financial support through ignorance.

I also question why the sensationalistic slant everything from them has to take. The media loves the words Dangerous, Monster, Man-eating, Killer, all negative. That’s because the media wants you terrified. They fill your heads with danger its how they slowly erode away your rights! They know absolutely nothing about these animals and yet they listen to the worst most negligent and irresponsible group of people The anthropomorphic Rainforest Reptile Refuge. I ask you did the Reptile Rainforest bother to ask anyone in the lower mainland Reptile community for help with this big python?


And why?

Because they don’t want help they just want media headlines of the most negative kind. This is just a way for them to say.. See? They are dangerous.

One last comment, if the Reptile refuge is so BURSTing at the seams with unwanted reptiles I would like to know why after 10 years they only have a handful of snakes? Because there isn’t a problem!



Last edited by TPiorun; 07-13-04 at 06:35 PM..
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Old 07-13-04, 06:46 PM   #2
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I totally hear you. I got hung up on by them when I posed the same questions regarding their husbandy practices just today. Check out my thread.
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Old 07-13-04, 07:31 PM   #3
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What really upsets me is there isn't anyone (in B.C. atleast) giving these animals some good press. I really feel there 1. needs to be some form of government regulating the keeping of these animals (ei. licensing) and 2. there needs to be some national organization that focuses on P.R. and public education. I think when it's just a bunch of us scattered around saying,"no this isn't the truth." to all the claims made by Rainforest it's really easy to write us off as just a bunch of wackos. We need a face and a voice in the media and it needs to be a good one.
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Old 07-13-04, 07:55 PM   #4
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I just saw the news report on BCTV and I was left wondering the same thing. Why is this snake laying eggs? Because they are housing them together. " Many eat small children" please.... There probably are some cases, but can not see it being any worse than dog attacks. Also, everything said in the report was so sickening just trying to push their stand that all exotic pets should be banned. These are the type of reports than media loves to show but are so detrimental to reptile keepers and exotic pet keepers as a whole.

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Old 07-13-04, 08:09 PM   #5
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Yes I just saw it too

I am sickened by that report. They are blaming the Vancouver reptile owners and not the source the Reptile Refuge. OMG that was an incredible piece of uninformed journalism. Did you hear that employe once again state that African Rock pythons chase children up trees and eat them?
This is the problem the media only want NEGATIVE stories. They dont want to come and report on the good stories.

I could go on and on but my supper is burning.. will discuss more later

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Old 07-13-04, 09:28 PM   #6
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Like I said I called them today to ask them why they house them together, and they told me they need companionship. I disagreed, and they hung up on me. I can't believe them. Someone really needs to tell the other side of this story to the media. This is truly disgusting.
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Old 07-13-04, 10:17 PM   #7
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What really upsets me is there isn't anyone (in B.C. atleast) giving these animals some good press. I really feel there 1. needs to be some form of government regulating the keeping of these animals (ei. licensing) and 2. there needs to be some national organization that focuses on P.R. and public education. I think when it's just a bunch of us scattered around saying,"no this isn't the truth." to all the claims made by Rainforest it's really easy to write us off as just a bunch of wackos. We need a face and a voice in the media and it needs to be a good one.
The WSPCR has been single-handedly been the society representing the herpers of BC against this kinda bad press. They have been doing an awesome job but, unfortunately, the number of voices (though loud) are small. What we need is to make use of this body (WSPCR) and add fuel to their firey momentum to make a single voice become a loud shout. Sorry for the analogies. This "Schrammite" society (BC folk should know what I'm talking about) has been the only other thing besides my loved ones which angers me as much, and when I get upset, I speak in analogies.

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Old 07-13-04, 10:22 PM   #8
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Wow I am in Manitoba not sure if I will see it on the 10pm news, hope I do. But I agree with you this facility is only bringing bad press to a good honest caring hobby. I am sure there are alot of people who enjoy and study large boids like Rock Pythons and others and this is only going to hurt them on so many levels.

Hope the press gets smart cause they like it to be stunning and exciting and create some fear on large boids. I hope they ask some real professionals of Rock Pythons and other boids and get part 2 of the story before they create choas on 1 sided stories.


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Old 07-13-04, 11:15 PM   #9
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Great post Terri. I don't know what to add other than I, too, am utterly disgusted by this, and it's B.S. like this that leads to reptile bans. It scares me that the ignorant have more of a voice than the apathetic reptile community. Can someone provide me a link or an email address to the editor of this newscast? I have some things to say.
- Ken LePage
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Old 07-13-04, 11:34 PM   #10
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I didnt see this and dont know much about whats goin on about this any articles anyone has on the net about this,i do know that a snake probably wouldnt hunt for kids the kids would have to go into its territory and maybe even bother it this is probably due to parents not watching there kids,oh and in my opinion if i was a snake and you came walkin on my territory and bothered me id eat your *** up too.

thats just my opinion though.
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Old 07-14-04, 12:05 AM   #11
Kyle Barker
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The first and last time i went there was f'ing horrible. I would rather trot around in avian flu infested chicken coupes than go in there again. so obviously full of god knows what parasites, such ****** husbandy. its grose, and in my eyes animal cruelty.

I cant believe i actually PAID to go in there....fealt like getting tested myself.
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Old 07-14-04, 12:24 AM   #12
Hunter Reptiles
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every one should phone global like I did and tell them they should be sitting in the middle of the fence not just on one side
and tell them what you realy think
Thanx Jason Hunter
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Old 07-14-04, 12:24 AM   #13
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didnt see this and dont know much about whats goin on about this any articles anyone has on the net about this,i do know that a snake probably wouldnt hunt for kids the kids would have to go into its territory and maybe even bother it this is probably due to parents not watching there kids,oh and in my opinion if i was a snake and you came walkin on my territory and bothered me id eat your *** up too.
I don't think there's a snake in the world that chases people. They won't eat kids. They're absolutely unable to give any concrete examples of this happening. All they told me was it happens more than is reported. If that is the case, how do they know. I'm going to keep on trusting the word of guys like Mark O'Shea and Dr. Fry when it comes to the behavioural biology of reptiles.

The main arguement from the side of those that seek to ban reptile keeping, is that these are wild animals. Again is simply not the case. There thousands of reptiles bred in captivity every year. Think of the numbers Bob Clark produces alone. These are not wild animals.

I really think I'm going to send them an email encouraging them to try to ban horses. Think about it. More people die each year riding horses than any other sport. They are often mistreated and neglected. Infact I'm the only one that can properly care for them. Think about too, how dangerous dogs are. And birds, look at the damage they're causing. I'm sure we could get the public good and terrified of horses. They eat people. It's not often reported, but it happens. Same type of argument.
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Old 07-14-04, 01:15 AM   #14
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Very good point! you made me laugh. :-)

I saw the inept news report on bc ctv write to them here:

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Old 07-14-04, 01:29 AM   #15
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I just saw the late night broadcast of this rediculous situation! They said they had 5 OTHER clutches of eggs from the SAME FEMALE and they were all destroyed as well! You'd think SOMEONE from the news media would question WHY they kept the male and female together in the first place. There was no mention in the later newscast of the snakes eating small children, but I'm sure the damage has already been done by that statement.
I will definately be calling the BCTV TV station tomorrow and would encourage everyone else from B.C. to do the same! Perhaps if the "presidents" of both the Fraser Valley Herp Society and WSPCR called and invited the news media to a "conference" or whatever you call it, perhaps we could "sway" things a bit to OUR side for once. I'm not saying to go out and "trash" the RRR as that won't come across good. But perhaps PUBLICALLY offering EXPERT assistance to the RRR IN FRONT OF THE PRESS, and make the recommendation of separating the male and female. Private offers of help are obviously ignored or treated with derision by the RRR, but perhaps a PUBLIC offer through the news media, well... at the VERY least they would have to explain WHY they are refusing help from experts. There are several VERY knowledgeable people in both the FVHS and WSPCR, people who I would consider to be "experts" who have been dealing with various reptiles for decades. One person comes to mind has been dealing with reptiles probably longer than I've been alive and I'm sure most of the people from B.C. know who I'm referring to...
Anyways... that's my less than humble offering...
Take care
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