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Old 11-19-03, 09:37 PM   #1
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Unhappy Please Help Me!!!! Please!!!

I was feeding my cham 5 minutes ago. 1 1/2 year old Ambanja. She was eating her cricks like normal then she went to shoot her tongue out at a crick and it looked like a blue hoop shape. The ping bally end looks like it didn't come out. She keeps trying to eat like she doesn't understand why her tongue isn't coming out. It looks like she swallowed her tongue.
Is this normal??? She isn't having trouble breathing and doesn't seem to understand, her chin is sucked up more than normal looking, like her tongue is in her stomach. Please help me. What do I do?
It's 8:30 here and no vets open. She seems alright but can't get her tongue to spit out. What do I do????!!!!
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor
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Old 11-19-03, 09:51 PM   #2
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I wish I could tell yah something. Good luck 8)
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Old 11-19-03, 09:56 PM   #3
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Does she eat out of a dish, or do you let the crickets lose in her cage? Does she live alone?

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Old 11-19-03, 10:00 PM   #4
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She's alone in her cage. And she usually eats out of my hand. The food is most often 3 to 8 inches from her. The last bite she took when i saw her tongue looked like the cricket and her tongue shot way back in her mouth when she pulled it in. After that she kept trying to grab the cricks but her tongue was just a blue hoop looking thing that came out an inch or two. She looked like she was struggling to get her tongue to come out like it was in her stomach. She seems ok now but I think her tongue is still swallowed. She never showed sign;s of loosing control of her tongue. Can she spit it back up?
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor
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Old 11-19-03, 10:01 PM   #5
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Please help me!!!
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
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0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor
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Old 11-19-03, 10:16 PM   #6
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Ok I read abunch of vet sites with pics on removing the tongue from the stomach. All the cases I read are chams that have been having tongue muscule control problems. Their tongues had to be amputated. I called a friend that has had cham for awhile, he said if she starts having trouble breathing I should force her mouth open(gently) and use my finger or a smooth hook to gentle pull the tongue out and then set it back in the mouth after moisturizing it. It should go back to normal when it heals. If it isn't damaged. What does someone think, her breathing's ok right now and I got her drinking like crazy from an eye dropper. This may lubricate the tongue? Someone tell me she'll be alright, im freakin out here.
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
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Old 11-19-03, 10:17 PM   #7
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I saw a article on a tungue being swallowed on or not sure Id say get her to the vet right away do you hav any 24 hour places there (I hate vet they never have helped me) read the article it may help you see if thats what happened or not whish i could say more. explain this blue hoop shaped thing in more detail too ill get you a direct link now if i can find it
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Old 11-19-03, 10:18 PM   #8
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here it is
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Old 11-19-03, 10:28 PM   #9
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That's the article. She came to me and walked to my shoulder and is sitting there like normal. I tried getting her mouth open but as extremely tame as she is, she FREAKED out when I tried to open it. then sat back on by shoulder. Shes sitting here right now as I type. I'm very worried I think her tongue is still swallowed. I'm very scared can someone recommend something else I can do?
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor
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Old 11-19-03, 10:30 PM   #10
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Open her mouth and look! You have to find out where her tongue is.

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Old 11-19-03, 11:09 PM   #11
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OK. Thank ****ing god. Her breathing began looking laboured and she was doin a kind of hacking thing, So with no idea what else to do I had my girlfriend hold her and I forced her mouth open and held it open with tape loops like in the article above. I used a stainless hook and ground the tip smooth and round then soaked it in bynzene. It was obvious the end that was down the throat so I slowly pulled it out and she wailed and squirmed but choked when it came out. Then she stopped and looked happy. Other than her mouth being hald open. I soaked her tongue with warm water and it kind of retracted but hung out about 2 inches. So I set it in her mouth neatly and let her close it. I watched her and she did a bunch of throat puffing and I was soooooooooo scared she was gonna swallow it again. Don't underestimate your chameleons intelligence. She headed strait for the water dish and openened her mouth and let her tongue fall into the dish. then pulled it in and let it rest, then pulled it in, and over and over. Until about 5 minutes later it was fully retracted. She now seems very happy and breathing normal. She was licking my hand with peach juice in it too so her tongue seems to be working good. Now, what happened? How can I prevent it? When Should I feed her again? Thanks for trying on short notice guys.
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor
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Old 11-19-03, 11:11 PM   #12
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Excuse me whie I have a MASSIVE HEARTATTACK!!
0.1 Ambanja Panther, 1.1 Senegal
2.1 Red Eared Sliders, 1.0 Russian, 0.1 RedFoot Tortoise, 1.0 Senegal Parrot
0.1 Giant Frog-Eyed Gecko, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.1 Black Throat Monitor
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Old 11-19-03, 11:18 PM   #13
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Man, I am so happy for ya! good stuff!!

I hate whe stuff like that happens

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Old 11-19-03, 11:19 PM   #14
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Great news! I've been wondering what has been going on. Let's hope it stays that way.

As for the cause... your guess is as good as mine right now. Could be some sort of nutritional deficiency. It could have been something as simple as an accident. If she were mine, I'd probably take her to the vet tomorrow, just to ensure everything is good inside her mouth.

I probably wouldn't feed her for a few days just to let the tongue heal, but let her drink what she wants. A vet may give you different advice then me though. If you do feed her, try softer insects like silkies and since you hand feed, put the bugs really close to her mouth.

Again, I'm very happy about this outcome. Good luck.


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Old 11-19-03, 11:21 PM   #15
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I have no idea what do to now, but that sounded scary, im glad everything worked out. Keep us updated.

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