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Old 08-21-03, 10:43 PM   #1
Solid Snake
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Man eating snakes?

anyone know any stories that giant pythons sometimes go for their owners? I would like to hear. Thx
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Old 08-21-03, 10:56 PM   #2
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I personally cannot site any specific examples but I believe the bigger danger is just the stregth to constrict on a person, and this causes the most accicents over a person being eaten, I think.

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Old 08-21-03, 11:05 PM   #3
Solid Snake
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i'd love to get a giant python but my parents aren't too fond of'em. They tell me in my country(camboadia) there are huge snakes that eat people but i know its bull cuz i'm not a kid lol.

btw, does anyone know what kind of Python species live in Cambodia, Vietnam, Loas, and Thailand?...

trying to convince my parents so i can use our spare room for a burmese.
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Old 08-21-03, 11:10 PM   #4
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reports of snakes EATING men are rare but reports of large constricts (Retics and Burms in most cases) constricting and killing there owners are much more common. i read something in REPTILES magazine that said about 2 people a year get killed by burm attacks. most of the time a snake cant eat a human just due to size. it is very hard for a snake to get around a humans shoulder when going head first. here are some pics (i cant speak for there credibility) but i hope that answered you Question

I think that one turned out to be a big pig or something.

i am a bit sceptical of this one just because it seems to get blurry in just the right places

(pig again)

and this one is a human being pulled out of the stomich of a BIG crock, just look at what the guy is holding,
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Old 08-21-03, 11:20 PM   #5
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There are lots of urban legend stories about anacondas eating people. When ever someone dissapears in the jungles of South America it gets blamed on an annie.
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Old 08-21-03, 11:38 PM   #6
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ok to anser the other question
Here are the snakes in the genus Python in the following countries,

Cambodia: Indian Python (Python molurus) and The Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus)

Vietnam:Indian Python (Python molurus) Burmese Python (Python molurus Bivittatus), and The Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus)

Loas: Indian Python (Python molurus) and The Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus)

Thailand: Indian Python (Python molurus), Burmese Python (Python molurus Bivittatus), Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus), Blood Pythons (Python brongersmai)

i wouldnt bet my life on that so if a made a mistake anyone correct me so i dont give out false info
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Old 08-21-03, 11:49 PM   #7
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Sounds right to me Mike

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Old 08-22-03, 01:47 PM   #8
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I believe those pic's were all proven to be false. Not 100% sure though.
however you must keep in mind that when a burmese python reaches 1-2 years of age it could be large enough to constrict and kill a person.
So in my opinion when you own a large constrictor you should always have someone who can help when it comes time to clean the cage and feed, and this should not include a parent who is afraid of snakes.
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Old 08-23-03, 01:00 AM   #9
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I have a movie about reptiles and the man is fedding his reticulated python a chicken and says that a couple of people in Asia are eaten by these snakes a year and that he believes that many more are taken than are reported. This leads me to believe it is true because it is the only other information I have heard about this topic that is not a rumour.
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Old 08-23-03, 01:08 AM   #10
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The first and third pictures are of the same snake. They are real pictures, but they are not a human in a snake.

The second picture is fake. 1st where are the animals guts? 2nd why isn't he more crushed like he should be, I mean have you seen snake puke? It DOESNT look like a rat anymore! 3rd, a snake that size probably could not get past the shoulders of an adult human male.

The third picture is fake too. It has been proven so, and it is if you think about it. That arm is pretty intact, when is the last time a crocodile swallowed a complete human limb with chewing it?

ONE confirmed case of a human being eaten by a snake exists, and even then the snake didn't get past the shoulders. The snake in question was a retic, and the man was a worker in the forest when he was attacked. Many other cases exist, of children dissapearing along the banks in SA/African countries and were possibly eaten by snakes. Numerous confirmed cases of humans being constricted by their pet snakes exist, too.

But yeah, it's pretty unlikely that you're going to be eaten by a normal giant snake, unless you cover yourself in chicken blood and hop around in front of a 20ft female. There is always a danger, but its pretty unlikey.

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Old 08-24-03, 08:23 PM   #11
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the 2nd picture has to b fake becuz that means the snake would have eaten the man feet first.
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Old 08-24-03, 08:30 PM   #12
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Are you saying that youve never seen a snake eat its pray feet first? Mine does it all the time.
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Old 08-25-03, 12:00 AM   #13
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One of our corns repeatedly eats full grown adult mice SIDEWAYS. It's fun listening to the mouse's spine snap as Morpheus folds the mouse in half to get it down. So feet first? NO problem for ANY snake.... if that pic were real of course If a retic can't get past the shoulders, I seriously doubt a burm could get a whole human down.
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Old 08-25-03, 12:35 AM   #14
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If you do the math, It seems possible.
Compare- 10 foot snake eats 1.5 foot long rabbit
- 20 foot long snake eats a meal 3 feet long
- 30 foot snake eats 4.5 foot animal

Because snakes can eat meals larger than the comparisons I believe only a 30 foot and up snake may eat a 5 foot nurished human, there is no reason that snakes would not look at us as prey. We give off heat and if we never bathed Im sure we would smell like food to them. I don't think snakes can realy tell the difference between humans and animals they eat other than the size difference.
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Old 08-25-03, 12:51 AM   #15
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We aren't typical prey though, because first of all why would a human make good prey? We're bony, tall and thin with wide shoulders. Not that a snake might not take advantage of an opporunity - but other prey would be far better suited. And if you compare a human to another animal or similar size - our shoulders are huge. While some snakes could, many can't, get past human shoulders.

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