Hi there all:
I just took new pictures of my boids the ones that have gone through there sheds. Here I will post my Columbians, Guyanans and Surinams. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do showing them.
This is CLEOPATRA my Columbian Redtail Boa at 5 feet and growing and super docile, eating large rats and soon I think rabbits already.
This is RAMSES her mate and a Columbian Redtail Boa as well with same size and style and appetite.
Now this is KING TUT my smallest Columbian Redtail Boa which I will be selling to anyone interested. Just ask me on him and I will tell you his stats.
Here is CEASAR my Surinam Redtail Boa, one of 2 I have from a pair. He is 5 feet as well and super nice. That tail gets brighter every shed.
And now GOLIATH my Guyanan Redtail Boa..........a monster in size so fast.
Any questions and comments are welcome I hope you enjoyed my little show and tell here.
Bye bye......................Tony